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A member registered Jan 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

You should add more interactions, like caressing her head, feet, boobs, pussy, ass, ears; an option for licking instead of just dragging, and different reactions to licking different parts or sucking her toes, make them enjoy getting pet or kissed, make them reach an orgasm at some point, some kind of combo system for manually shoving it hard in sequence, and overall more interactions to make them feel more alive

Actually amazing! I don't know what else to say, this game is way better than I thought it was gonna be

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the hell am I supposed to do, I'm so confused, what is the objective

Are you new to this game? It is difficult at first with a high skill floor and ceiling, but it is quite fun once you get used to it.

Damn you're crazy good

(3 edits)

I have no idea where the two missing secrets were, but had I seen them, I would have collected them, please consider adding a map to this game demo which unfolds the more the player explores and tells them where the uncollected secrets are.

With that said I never want to play this game again in my life, my brain is fried, it's 04:57 AM and I am tired.

This was all done at base speed, no slowing. Also I got the one that required 4 keys.

and now he is 8 years old

(2 edits)


Probably one of the greatest and most creative games I've ever seen

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If you don't specify exactly what "ui glitchs out" means people will just assume you are just crying


In the game's help section it says that all you need to do is add your resolution there, let me know if it helps because it didn't change anything for me

hopefully VotV will be finished, it's an extraordinary game

The What Meme Generator - Piñata Farms - The best meme ...

wh-why would you have more t-than 55 fricking cameras?

(1 edit)

they just say that when you are sending lvl 0 drives, it's normal, you still get the payment just keep playing

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You are aware you completely missed the point of the comment and that the issue isn't checking the cycle but actually having to visit them often because one randomly gets a low charge while the others ones have plenty left, right? Where the hell do you think I was checking all of their cycles at once?

I never wait for them to get to 0, it's the opposite really, I am constantly stressed about one of them randomly getting to 7 charge while the others still are at 80 or something, to avoid extra stress I am forced to go to all three of them one after the other just to ATTEMPT to guarantee that they will be at the same level, but one always dies a lot quicker than the rest, if it's night time and one of them is near to death I am forced to go check it even though the other ones are fine, there should be a punishment like if one transformer dies everything works 33% slower, 67% slower if two are dead, and blackout when all three die, that way I can avoid having to go out at night because of a single transfomer and I can wait until daytime even though my machines are all weaker

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your pc probably doesn't run the game I guess

probably your graphics card

Please add a setting to make it so the energy only goes out once all three generators are down, that's how I expected it to work but now I have to babysit three generators even thought if one dies two are still working everything dies, and sometimes one of them loses durability quicker than the others, please add this setting, mrdrnose

aperta r ué

So cool to see this amazing game coming together!

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sorry for the rude comment, I was having a terrible week and expressed my feedback badly, the game is great and I am hyped to see if there will be new stuff in the future, also love the main character design a lot! I edited my main comment to make it less idiotic.

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bro sees a new lil indie game project


Also Only Up was not the first game to have the idea of no saves and be hard, better to forget that awful garbage game.

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Pls add a way to rebind keyboard controls, planting on F is awkward, making games focusing on controllers might make PC controls a bit weird

It took me a while to realize this is Sinuca

sounds like a "your" problem kinda thing


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maybe you disabled the gun in the terminal

put this on steam pls

there is a full version on steam and the game gets better than ever

Damn bro, I wish you all of luck on development,  hopefully you won't give up because this project is shaping up beautifully!

How many people are working on this project?

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solved 7 anomalies and then the game crashed and now this happens every time I try to boot it up

And this is where it all started, the nostalgia is strong, even if it were just 5 years ago I still remember picking up this game for the first time here, I wish the build I downladed was still available for nostalgic purposes...

Yay finally second boss, and now I get to be a woman


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it's not abandoned, how about checking first before commenting dumb stuff?

oh my god how did I miss that? That is genius, sorry for that, that is more interesting than the game I thought of when I was little

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I remember having this exact idea multiple years ago and playing that with people, now someone made a game based on that idea, cool!

Except we would compete for a single square and then move on to the next, not all at the same time, because it becomes luck-based that way.

the full version is like 10x better