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A member registered Oct 14, 2022

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I just saw a post on Az's Patreon on this one. He's working on EP 11. I'm not sure when or if it will make it here on Itch, though. But, by all appearances, it will continue.

This one is spectacular! The writing, storytelling, and worldbuilding are worthy of an HBO fantasy series. The characters' development and unique voices are so well done.  The game engine element adds to the fun for me. 

Well done! 

Thank you

Thank you

Is this project abandonded?  Hello, Dev?  Any update would be appreciated.

Excellent!  Thank you

Will there be an update to this game posted here on Itch? 

Is this one Abandoned? No posts since Feb here on Itch, and not since March on Patreon.

Hello. I purchased and started playing this one in Nov. of 2022. I really enjoyed the gameplay, the story, and the imagery. All of it is top-notch (aside from some of the glitchy dialog that's likely due to the translation from Russian, which I can overlook because the story quality more than compensates for it). I finished the update in Nov. of 2022.  Fast forward to this week (Nov. 2023) where I downloaded the 0.4-P2 update. I only experienced about 15 or 20 minutes of new content in this release. Is that accurate? Or am I missing something?

I'm not criticizing, I just want to make sure I didn't skip over something or miss something. The final part of the update dropped me off in the free roam mode, but I could only go to two locations and it was nighttime. I couldn't access the briefcase and couldn't interact with anyone. When I attempted to open my laptop in the bedroom, the screen flickered but nothing happened.

I agree that there was no explicit 'no' or 'dont' ... but it appeared to me that she was in no state of mind (excessively intoxicated) to rationally consent. That was my only issue. Aside from that, I thoroughly enjoyed this update. 

I'm a fan of this AVN and really enjoyed the previous version. This version (I guess he's pulled it to make some changes) had a scene at the end which is questionable and made me feel uneasy as it seemed it was non-consensual which I can't condone. I hope he re-works that part because I really like this story and all of the characters. I'll reserve judgement until I play the next update. 

Overall, good work.

What an incredibly fun and addictive game.

I'm really impressed by the amount of thought and care put into the story and characters! This was a joy to play!

Well done! This is getting 5 stars from me.

(1 edit)

Starts out a little clunky... the pacing is a bit fast in the beginning, but after you progress, it smooths out and gets really good.

OK, I've played this 3 times. Once for each girl ... Nikki, Mary, then finally Erin and I'm absolutely in love with Erin... I was going to rate this a 3, maybe a 4 ... but after the Erin story arc, I upped it to a 5. I absolutely love this one.

I see several similarities (story wise) to Leap Of Faith by Drifty. I'm very anxious for the next update.

Keep up the great work!

This one is a Jem! I was pleasantly surprised by the writing quality. It really is excellent work, and each character has a unique voice, and they all feel authentic! As a writer, I know how challenging that can be. Kudos.

The visuals are outstanding! I absolutely love this AVN and I'm anxiously awaiting the next installments! Keep up the good work, Az!

This one is really good. The story and the lore alone are worth the read, but the imagery is fantastic and I love the characters!   Keep up the good work!

OK, I was expecting bronze, but struck gold with this one! 

The writing is really good.. the humor is top notch, and the graphics/animations are excellent! 

It was a very pleasant surprise!

Is harem an option with this one? I sense Ruby is the jealous type lol

Am I missing something?  Who is Willow?  Is there a character I'm missing?

I wasn't sure what to expect when I downloaded this, but I absolutely Love this AVN!  Keep up the fantastic work! Meanwhile, I'll be anxiously awaiting the update!

The characters feel real to me, the story is interesting, and the graphics are fantastic.

Well Done!

Outstanding!  Thank you so much, and keep up the excellent work.

Oh! I'm soooo excited!  This is arguably one of the best AVN's I've played and I've been anxiously waiting the next release?  

Will there be a "full version" ever released on Steam or some other platform ?  

I've finished all of the story content and everything in the event log... I'm really enjoying this game so far. Any ETA for the next release?

My pleasure! I'll be anxiously awaiting your next creation. 

Mystwood Manor community · Created a new topic Bravo!

I posted this as a review, but wanted to post here too!


I purchased this game last week and finished it a few hours ago.  I think in the past 3 days, I've got 40+ hours of gameplay in lol I was absolutely obsessed with this game. The balance of gameplay, dialog, adult content, and plot made this an incredibly fun and addicting game! 

I absolutely loved it!  Well done! 

OK, never mind lol It would help if I read instructions.  Off I go to build my hotel lol

Hello, I can't seem to save or load any game sessions, as there is a 'lock' icon on those buttons. I read the technical FAQ and made sure the folder wasn't read only. What am I missing?

Thanks in advance,


DUUUDE! Just finished 0.4 and anxiously awaiting the next release. Outstanding work. I've done three of these visual novels, two of them being yours, and I have to say that the quality, storytelling .. all of it is unmatched. Keep up the good work. 

This is the very first visual novel 'game' I've ever done, and I have to say that I really enjoyed it! I'm not going to lie, I became pretty attached to the characters and, dare I say, I got a little emotional at the end during the final sequence. 

Spectacular storytelling, character development, and imagery! 


I've already downloaded Eternum and am planning on starting that shortly. Thanks again and looking forward to more releases from you.