Thanks for giving it ago! Admittedly i went with a controller setup I'm used to but next time I'll add a toggle :) also commander bubbles is always supporting because he's a good guy ☺️
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Hey, thanks for giving the game a go. If your raided as long as one person on night watch you wont get a strike It seems you were unfortunate in terms of rng and admittedly the game can reach doom state.
Heavy shelling is a difficult hurdle on your first playthrough and occurs around the start of the game, try to get tunnels dug using 2 men, it may be more risky but you free up an extra man. I always went for 3 only if I was gonna get a strike by the next day.
Through playing the game I tried to get players to find themselves having to prioritize the bureaucracy from their generals. Come at the game from the frame of mind that your there to appease your superiors, and not to increase that win percentage and you'll find yourself reaching day 15-20.
The strategy is about people management, a trickery task then people think.
In terms of balance I admit it probably needs more fine tuning I worked on this game for only 3days and there was only so much time to work on balance.
Once again, thanks for giving the game a go :)
Hey everyone who played. A lot of people are getting stuck on lvl5.
If you want the solution here is:
Answer Here
Only click when you've really given it a good go :)
I locked in the design, made the systems and art on Saturday. Then did level design art and bug fixing on Sunday. I spent around 3 hours on the puzzle design, its quick to make puzzles if you start with a theme like "4 switches" or "I want the player to learn to use the iterations button". The design came from imagining objects that linked together like chains -> cables -> switchboards -> sequence game!
I think that's the best part of system games. I can set the standard and people can look to find a more efficient route. After uploading the game I found a way to do Level 5 with 1000 More points. Anyway thanks for giving my game a go :)
I like your solutions (sorry I deleted them its just so other players aren't tempted xD) hopefully itch implements a spoilers mask like on discord