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A member registered Feb 01, 2021

Recent community posts

Took me a while to notice it myself, so yes, would have helped if it stood out more.

have you noticed that the quest page has two pages?
(left - right arrow top left on quest page)
there are more tasks on the other page.

(1 edit)

watergun fight II -
weekend patrol get popularity >=20 do watergun fight I then buy golden rubber water pistol and weekend patrol to watergun fight II
The gag is just a pop culture reference to james bond movies goldeneye and the man with the golden gun

I bought this on itch at a sale price of $7.00. What a bargain!
However, I had a bad experience on Patreon with a dev who I believe was simply milking subscribers; I'm not willing to sign up to a subscription service.
I do think this game when completed will be worth what I would pay for any decent full game - around $35 to $50.
I would like to continue to support you; you have earned it!
So my question is this: I understand that, having bought the game on itch, I already get access to all subsequent updates. If this is correct, how can I add further donations at my discretion, which I feel further game updates deserve?
I am happy to give you another $5 right now (I'm live in a 3rd world country, and our money is worth peanuts). I would top that up with another $5 or $10 from time to time until the game is complete.
And yes, if it's not already obvious, I love Goodbye Eternity, and I think you're doing amazing work!

Read the latest development log, just above these comments.

No. You buy the game once all future updates are included in the purchase price.

Of course we want it all NOW!
But we understand that this kind of quality takes time to prepare.

So, okay, we'll give you that space.
Just ignore all the heavy breathing right behind you, okay? ;-)

Get yourself the Jdownloader app (free). It's the only way I'll even attempt to download from Mega. Usually works well.

Ring the doorbell?

Thank you - heading over to Kickstarter now!

P.S. I don't want to encourage you to take too long, but this kind of quality is worth waiting for. ;)

Congratulations. This is an amazing advance on dating sim gaming. The writing and characterization is extraordinarily good.

I want to buy this game, but I'm worried. There seems to have been no advance since the (very impressive) demo release.

Dimitri and other co-workers - PLEASE finish this game. You have my promise right now that I will buy it. There is NOTHING out there that competes with your stunning, gripping, engaging and compelling work. C'mon. Please.

I may be wrong, but it seems to me once you buy it you get a link which enables you to download all future updates. (Writing as someone who has paid the price but is still waiting to test this on the next available update...)

Claire! Claire! Claire! Can't wait!


Absolutely amazing game! Following avidly and will be paying for it.

Not expecting full voice acting, ever!

People have different tastes. For me, some gasping and moaning adds a lot. The wet slapping I can take or leave.
TheArcadean is doing an amazing job. So amazing that I'd like perfection, that's all!

Excellent game. Sex scenes need audio.

More Claire please! Claire is hot!

Early development with much more content needed, BUT

this game has a very nice feel, lovely warm art and characters, very good script and dialogues. I want to see MORE of this game. Keep up the great work!