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A member registered Nov 16, 2022

Recent community posts

What should I do when serving Deidra?

I did

(1 edit)

How can I contribute to translate the game in Italian?

I don't have any other upgrade to do in the garden area, I've already made the 500$ one

I'm on day 90, When I want to do the garden event with the android, she says I need to upgrade it even if I already did it. Do I need to wait? Is it something not implemented yet?

Is Cayenne updated in this version

any updates

me too with 0.8 version

Would be nice to have a gallery to see again all the progression unlocked (i.e. some standing poses of the characters from the first stage to their final one)

How do you get Cayenne sex scene? I got her to stage 11 but even if I stop feed her the game just skips throug

I downloaded the 0.04 version, took my saves from the 0.03 one and when I tried to open the stats it showed this error:


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 170, in script

    $ ui.interact()

  File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 170, in <module>

    $ ui.interact()

  File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 32, in execute

    screen StatsUI():

  File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 32, in execute

    screen StatsUI():

  File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 35, in execute


  File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 95, in execute


  File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 98, in execute


  File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 111, in execute

    text "Stage: [selectedCharacter.stage]/[selectedCharacter.maxstage]"

  File "game/01Base_Stats.rpy", line 176, in __getattr__

    return super(BaseStatsObject, self).__getattr__(key)

AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute '__getattr__'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 170, in script

    $ ui.interact()

  File "renpy/", line 1131, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 1052, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 170, in <module>

    $ ui.interact()

  File "renpy/", line 299, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3377, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs) # type: ignore

  File "renpy/display/", line 3804, in interact_core

    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())

  File "renpy/display/", line 582, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "renpy/display/", line 582, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "renpy/display/", line 582, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "renpy/display/", line 582, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "renpy/display/", line 451, in visit_all


  File "renpy/display/", line 3804, in <lambda>

    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())

  File "renpy/display/", line 462, in per_interact


  File "renpy/display/", line 653, in update


  File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 32, in execute

    screen StatsUI():

  File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 32, in execute

    screen StatsUI():

  File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 35, in execute


  File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 95, in execute


  File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 98, in execute


  File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 111, in execute

    text "Stage: [selectedCharacter.stage]/[selectedCharacter.maxstage]"

  File "renpy/text/", line 1688, in _scope

    return self.set_text(self.text_parameter, scope, self.substitute, update)

  File "renpy/text/", line 1712, in set_text

    i, did_sub = renpy.substitutions.substitute(i, scope, substitute)

  File "renpy/", line 278, in substitute

    s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs) # type: ignore

  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/", line 563, in vformat

  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/", line 585, in _vformat

  File "renpy/", line 168, in get_field

    obj, arg_used = super(Formatter, self).get_field(field_name, args, kwargs)

  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/", line 652, in get_field

  File "game/01Base_Stats.rpy", line 176, in __getattr__

    return super(BaseStatsObject, self).__getattr__(key)

AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute '__getattr__'

Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64


Fattening Career 0.04b

Mon Nov 28 15:58:15 2022


suggestions on how to make daisy's tits bigger?

Can someone tell me where are the 3 red monsters? I found the one in the desert and the one near the purple mushroom, where's the third?