This is awesome! I have seen a lot of developers try to replicate the Paper Mario style, but never have I seen it done in such a masterful way as you have done with this demo. Please I beg you to make more things with the base of what you have made with this, no matter if it is more fan projects or something original. I am here day one.
Josh Rieg
Creator of
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Dunno if this is a known bug but thought id mention it. Somehow the game corrupted my save data and there is no way to delete that save data in game. It instead makes most menu buttons not work, and if you try to play a song in practice, it boots the song but doesnt work. Unsure how my save data got corrupted in the first place but its probably worth finding a way to delete/restore corrupt save data so the game doesnt suddenly become unplayable.
btw issue is fixed once you delete all save data from the file
Found the issue (i think) and its odd. I uninstalled Valorant a few nights ago and tried making the game work again and suddenly worked with no issues. I think something with Vanguard might be making this game struggle to run for whatever reason.
Either way its a W. No valorant on my pc AND I can play Scratchin Melodii!
Really wanna play this game, it looks super sweet, but for some reason the game is kinda unplayable on my pc. :/ Game has pretty unbearable lag spikes during songs and gets worse throughout the song. I turned down graphic settings all the way, tried resetting songs like the FAQ said, and no luck. My PC should be able to run this just fine too, 1070 Ti, i7, 16gb ram, not really sure if this is something I am doing wrong but I am kinda at a lost.
Any help would be great because I REALLY wanna play this.
Thanks so much for checking out our game! I really enjoyed the video! Out of curiosity, did you ever reach the other ending? It seemed like you were doing the right thing by avoiding all the healing objects. We have also put out patches since the launch of the game, so it might have been that you ran into a bug we have already fixed. Hopefully that helps you reach the other endings!
Hi! Thank you so much for checking out our game!
There is no way to beat the second fight without attacking. We did consider adding a spare mechanic, but we opted not to because we didn't want to take too much from Undertale. The compromise we made was to give the player the option at the end. This allows for the outcome to be up to the player.
Again thank you so much for playing! It means the world to us!
I began working on this game with a few friends after all of us had a strong interest in making an RPG together. We first wanted to make a larger scope game that would take us 2-3 years to make, but we very quickly realized that we needed to make a bite sized game first so we can make sure we could all work well as a development team. We concepted an Undertale like game about a Nurse and expected it to be finished in a week. Nearly three months later the game is now released on! The team worked super well and we are very soon going to begin working on our multiyear project again.
Hope you enjoy Fated Flatline!
Play Here:
Aw damn im sorry to hear that. We didn't get time to test the Mac Port (submitted within the final minute lol) so I would guess that the Mac port is the buggiest version. I should have prioritized a Web based version, but this is my first jam in a while and forgot how important that was lol. Thanks for trying anyways! Seriously you have inspired me a lot for my next jam so hopefully I can make something even grander for Brackey's in a few weeks!