Merci !
Darenn Keller
Creator of
Recent community posts
Huh, this is getting really annoying, I'm sorry. Other people who had the issue managed to fix it with this line, I guess maybe your OS has something different. I removed the app from the itch page, I'll put it back when I know for sure this problem won't happen again. Do you use steam to play games? I can send you a steam key by mail if you'd like, Steam sign all games directly so it should not have that issue. Reach out to me at and I'll give you one.
If you don't want a steam key, send me your paypal by mail, I'm gonna refund you.
Thanks for testing! The code in the terminal is not working because it does not have the right path to the application. Replace "" with the correct path to the application (where you saved it on on your computer).
If you don't understand, send me a screenshot of the folder where the game app is with the path visible and I'll give you the correct command.
Thank you!
My game Dawnfolk is finally out! Thank you so much for sticking with me until the end. ❤️
After gettinig more than 42,000 wishlists, and more than 50 positives reviews in the first 24 hours on Steam, it's time to release an exclusive (more info below) DRM-Free version, self-published, version of the game on
Are you ready to rebuild your realm and bring light back to the world? 🔥
The version of the game on is a bit special.
I don't have the right to sell the normal game here on itch because of weird publisher/developer contract stuff. But I do have the right to sell a special version with a little more content at a higher price. The nice thing though, is that 100% of the revenues (after itch cut) go directly to me the developer. If you're looking to get the normal version which is slightly cheaper, please check out the game on Steam. This "supporter edition" contains the normal game with an exclusive "Nuit" cursor skin, as well as the game OST.
Interested in a few fun facts about the development of the game?
You can get the game right now on right here. There's a sale going on to celebrate the release. Have fun!
I just noticed there was a theme for this edition of the gb comp. I wanted to do a remake of my current game project, Lueur and the Dim Settlers just for fun! But it really does not fit with the current theme and I really wanted to make a game boy version of it, not a different game.
I'm gonna do it anyway, butthe rules say: "The entry must implement/interpret the jam theme (applies to Game category only)" . Can I still participate to get feedback and have fun with everyone? I'm ok being disqualified for the prizes. If not, that's too bad but I understand! 😊
Good luck everyone!
Thank you so much for testing that out everywhere! Actually since the game is single player, I changed the code so that any controller connected can play. This way, no problem! (but be sure no one has one of the controllers hidden away to make jokes on you...) It should be in the next demo version very soon.
🌟 A Journey Fulfilled: A Game Demo Release 🌟
TLDR: Thank you so much for your help! This demo contains one playable level in 3 different game modes for about 3h of playtime. Can you beat all of the challenges? Don't forget to share it with your friends and let me know what you think. ❤️
Dear friends and fellow builders,
Today, I stand before you with equal parts excitement and gratitude as I unveil the long-awaited demo of my game. This moment represents the culmination of relentless dedication and the support of an incredible community. It has been an arduous journey, filled with sleepless nights and daunting challenges, but with your unwavering feedback and bug-spotting prowess, we have made it to this remarkable milestone together.
I want to express my deepest appreciation to all those who have contributed their time and expertise to shape this game into something truly special. Your feedback, enthusiasm, and unwavering support have breathed life into every line of code, every intricate detail. In the face of doubt and adversity, your encouragement has ignited a fire within me, propelling me forward even when the path seemed impassable.
Today, as the demo takes its first steps into the world, I invite you to join me in this adventure. Explore its depths, unravel its mysteries, and let its melodies resonate within your soul. This game is a labor of love. Your continued involvement and passion will guide its future.
Thank you so much, for being an integral part of this journey.
With heartfelt appreciation,