Ran into a game-breaking bug yesterday where I was doing the escape from Colonia fight (where Dog rescues you and you have to survive fight until the airship comes in to blow up the Glithe boss). I died as the airship was coming in. The static for the game over screen started faded in as the airship killed the boss. The game crashed and attempting to load the save now crashes to desktop
A member registered Jun 09, 2020
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Heavy Hearts 0.6 Hotfix 3 is out for Gold Supporters comments · Posted in Heavy Hearts 0.6 Hotfix 3 is out for Gold Supporters comments
I've been trying the game every-other-patch or so and keep running into the same exact end - the servered hands. They have too much HP for something that splits into 3s and is as evasive as it is. Getting two or three of those in a room (which turns into 6-9 mini-hands to chase down) is what ends almost all of my runs.
Thanks for the quick turn around on that hand bug. I think you might have set the default stage to the ramparts to test or something, since downloading the hotfix a new game has been starting on stage 7 for me. Also got a bug where one of the worms spawned outside of a room and didn't get auto-killed