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A member registered Jun 12, 2021

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I was hooked almost immediately its a great game so far  looking forward to the next update and the full game 

sorry for the late reply but i can definitely check that to see if that's the issue  

i was just wondering if its a bug or not but i cant save my game progress any help would be nice plz thx.

i bought the game a while back and now i half to buy it again why?

sorry for the late reply i was wondering what file it would be to check to see about the save progress and what not and to see if you had any ideas on the matter on what else i can do ? thx for the help.

I could try that but idk if it will work and by chance would you know what else to do ?

sorry for the late reply the game it self is fine no crashing or anything like that its just when i go to save the game progress it shows that it does save but it does not save the progress that was made so every time i play it i half to start a new. so at first i thought it was a bug or a glitch or just a miss read on the application it self so i tried everything like uninstall and reinstall and  so forth but to that end no luck 

i hope the saving is fixed because everytime i play i half to start a new game

 sorry im just a little confused on what your asking 

for the start up of the game its asking me for a password for the game and file so i imagine something is not working any suggestions ?