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i hope the saving is fixed because everytime i play i half to start a new game

I never hear people complain about this, so I didn't know it was an issue. What seems to be the problem, usually?

sorry for the late reply the game it self is fine no crashing or anything like that its just when i go to save the game progress it shows that it does save but it does not save the progress that was made so every time i play it i half to start a new. so at first i thought it was a bug or a glitch or just a miss read on the application it self so i tried everything like uninstall and reinstall and  so forth but to that end no luck 

Mmmh, could it be the folder is set to "read only" for some reason? You should be able to save, load and copy/paste the savefiles from one version to the next without any issues (that's how most players do it).

I could try that but idk if it will work and by chance would you know what else to do ?

Other than making sure the folder isn't set to "read only", I'd check where you installed the game (is it an important folder for the operating system, or something?) the antivirus (is it blocking/deleting the save files?) and perhaps try running the game as an administrator. The game works on basically any system I heard of, and RPG Maker is a fairly stable product, so it's likely some unexpected interaction on your side.

Another thing I would try if you have access to another PC is to check if the same problem appears on that one as well.

sorry for the late reply i was wondering what file it would be to check to see about the save progress and what not and to see if you had any ideas on the matter on what else i can do ? thx for the help.

You tried/checked everything I listed above already?