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Dave the Knave

A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for putting this in the racial justice bundle so many months ago! Reviewed it for my gaming website and it was quite the unexpected experience. I've never played a bullet-hell puzzle mash-up before! Thanks for the unique game and I especially enjoyed the artistic flair you put into the transitions between worlds.

Thanks for submitting this to the bundle for racial justice back in 2020.  Really enjoyed Beacon, and wrote a detailed review with some highlights. This game is an incredible accomplishment!

Thanks for submitting this to the bundle for racial justice back in 2020. Huge fan of Samperson's work, and finally got around to writing a review. Desktop Goose is an A+ gem of the internet.

Thanks for contributing Speer to the itch racial justice bundle way back in 2020! I've been slowly going down that rabbit hole and had a fun time with Speer. 

Posted a review on my website:

Hi, thanks Phase Pixel for donating Resistance if Fruitile to the racial justice bundle back in 2020. I've been slowly making my way through the games and found this hidden gem. I got a bit carried away and made a strategy guide along with the review. Was fun mapping out the optimal power-card upgrade path and the hordes of fruit at the end of this game is straight bonkers.

Thanks for contributing Danger Crew to the racial justice bundle back in 2020! Was a fun playthrough. Wrote a short review on my gaming site.

Thanks so much for donating J.U.L.I.A. Among the Stars to the itch bundle for racial justice back in 2020. I got around to reviewing the game and posted a review here. Really creative piece of sci-fi fiction! I enjoyed it immensely.

What a hidden gem! I had a lot of fun with Mini Ghost and thanks for contributing it to the racial justice bundle way back in 2020. 

Wrote a full review here:

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Wonderful Game! Thanks for contributing way back in 2020 to the bundle for racial justice (and also the Bundle for Ukraine too).

I posted my full review to my website:

Grade: A

What starts as a simple arcade game ends as a sci-fi thriller. 

Full Review: (with lot's of spoilers) 

Thanks, Supergiant, for contributing Pyre the bundle for racial justice! 

I had a lovely time playing Pyre and an equally fun time writing about it.

Thanks for putting No Brakes Valet into the bundle for racial equality and justice. I found the game after playing something more serious, and it was exactly what I needed as a palette cleanser.

In case anyone is interested, I wrote up a review on my indie gaming website.

Thanks for submitting this game to the bundle for racial justice and equality! I enjoyed the game. 

In case anyone is interested, here is the review:

Hidden Gem! Thanks for contributing it to the bundle for racial justice and equality. 

Wrote up a review for anyone interested.

Came across FutureGrind in the racial justice bundle, and it was quite a hidden gem. Thanks for contributing this game. 

I've been posting some reviews as I go through:

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Thanks for contributing this to the bundle for racial justice and equality. I'm slowly but surely working my way through the bundle and writing about the journey. 

Dogs throwing swords ended up being my 50th review in the project!

Hi Spooky Squid Games,

Just popping in to say "thank you!" for contributing They Bleed Pixels to the bundle for racial justice and equality last year. I've been enjoying playing through the games from the bundle, and got lost in the deep end with They Bleed Pixels. What a ride!

The review is live here:


Thanks for contributing Lizzi Crossing to the bundle for racial justice and equality. I had a nice relaxing evening with this game. 

I've been writing reviews as I roll through the bundle, and here's the one for your game!

Thanks so much for contributing Micro Mages to the bundle for racial justice and equality! I've been having fun playing and reviewing games from the bundle, and this one was a gem. Really enjoyed the behind the scenes video too! 40KB is nothing. 

In case you're interested in my review, here it is:

I've been playing through the racial justice bundle and came across this gem. Thank you Choice Provisions for contributing.

In case it's of interest, my review is here:

there's a second level?! If I find the pictures on the board, does it unlock. Curious how to get there.

Thanks so much for contributing wakamarina valley to the bundle for racial justice and equality. I've been playing through the bundle and came across this gem. Really impressive how you did all the photography settings, including filters in the game! I loved exploring this place. 

Full review is here:

Thank you so much for submitting NOISE 1 to the bundle for racial justice and equality! I've been reviewing games for my indie gaming site from the bundle and stumbled across NOISE 1. I loved the way you made this game! 

Full Review is here in case you're interested:


Thanks so much for submitting this game to the bundle for racial justice and equality! I've finished my review of the game for my indie gaming site and had a great time playing it.

Hi, Thanks for contributing this game way back in 2020 to the bundle for racial justice and equality! I had fun playing the game. I've been writing reviews as I poke my way through, and here's the write-up at my game review site.

Thanks so much for contributing this game to the bundle for racial justice and equality! I had a great time playing it. I'll be humming that jangle for days! 

I've been writing reviews on my indie game review site as I poke my way through the bundle, and the game review is here:

Hey, Graffiti Games and Serenity Forge. 

Thanks for contributing "The King's Bird" to the bundle for racial justice and equality. I've been writing about the games in the bundle for my indie game review site, and The king's bird really caught my interest. Art and illustrations are A+++, what a beautiful game!

Dear Halvardo13, 

Thanks for contributing Fusion Shift to the bundle for racial equality and Justice and also thanks for providing this game for FREE! 

I had fun playing it, and my review for my indie gaming site is here:

If there's anything you'd like to add to the review or something you particularly disagree or agree with, I'm open to feedback. 


Dave the Knave

Heya, thanks so much for contributing Bold Blade to the bundle for racial equality and justice. I never would have gotten a chance to play the game otherwise and it was a really memorable game!

I wrote a review on my indie gaming site, and feel free to reach out if you have any comments or feedback on the review.

Dear Matt Makes Games: 

Thanks for submitting Celeste to the epic bundle last summer. I'm not sure I would have played Celeste otherwise, and it was a joy to play and experience. 

I posted a review on my indie gaming blog here.


Dave the Knave

Thanks so much for contributing Affinity to the bundle for racial equality and justice! I've enjoyed playing through the bundle and writing reviews on my gaming blog. Affinity next up in my review queue and my favorite puzzle was the panda!

If interested, check out the review.

Hi, you've probably moved on to other things, but FYI the same thing happenned to me and updating my screen resolution to 1920X1080 fixed the zoom issue. 

Thanks for contributing this game to the bundle for racial equality and justice! I loved playing Sword and the Slime. 

My full review is posted to my gaming review site:

Thank you for contributing this game to the bundle for racial equality and justice. What a gorgeous piece of digital art! 

I've written a review of Fossil Echo on my indie gaming site:

If you have any feedback or comments on the review, please feel free to reach out!

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Thanks so much for contributing "No Pineapples Left Behind" to the bundle for racial equality and justice! I've been having fun going through and reviewing the different games in the bundle on my indie gaming site, and this was a really memorable experience!

Please feel free to reach out if there's anything in the review you disagree with or would like updated. 

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Thank you so much for contributing "Kids" to the bundle for racial equality and justice. There's so much in this game to think on, and it was a really memorable experience!

Review is up on my website: 

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Thank you so much Nothke for including this game in the bundle for racial equality and justice. I had a really fun time playing and reviewing this game of relaxing destruction! 

My full review is posted here:

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Thank you so much for contributing Pillars of Dust to the bundle for racial equality and justice! I've been having a really fun time reviewing and playing the games and this was a hidden gem! 

Here's the link to the full review I posted to my website: