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David Schutte

A member registered Sep 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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This game was pretty fun and original - I like the little story at the beginning and overall I like its themes. My only real complaints are that the game is pretty difficult (I couldn't finish it) and that you can't skip the intro cut scene. Overall, very solid experience - good job!

Those are very valid points and if I pursue the game further I would definitely consider shaking up the design a lot. Thanks for playing my game man (yours is pretty good too btw)

Lmao yea the grappling hook is definitely the most under-cooked aspect I reckon.  The idea was that you lost the grappling hooking if you lost both of your arms which would make certain sections of the game harder but obviously this couldn't happen haha. Thanks for your time tho, I really appreciate it

Haha thanks man

Super cool art style and pretty fun game overall. Just wish that the movement speed was a bit quicker but otherwise very cool