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A member registered Feb 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game is a lot of fun!!!

very creative and fun to play, love the game mechanic to auto destroy in order to advance. The art and music is really really nice. For future updates, (personal opinion!) I think restarting at the level we ended would be a nice feature instead of re-starting from the beginning. And as extra feature, it would be nice to let the music play without interruption (not restarting the music) when the level restarts to be able to enjoy the full music segment. Congrats! :D

This was fun

Hi Sofuufos, thank you for playing! It takes a couple of tries before you start discovering the story and that is the whole idea ;) ! thank you for the feedback! Cheers!

Beautiful game,  I  enjoyed it a lot! Love to see this game developed further with other challenges for the lamp and maybe extra puzzles. The art and music is well done and I enjoyed the sxf a lot. the only recommendation about sound is to polish the footsteps sfx

enjoyed this game a lot, the art, the suspenseful ambience the music and sfx, wished the music would loop, try to survive as long as I could to keep listening to the music

Fun game but a little difficult for me to control, beautiful artwork and I really enjoyed the music and sfx, congrats! 

I enjoyed this game, loved the idea to search in a maze in full darkness.  I think sound and music would have added to the experience.  in complete darkness we usually rely a lot more on hearing, maybe sounds can inform the player of where the objects like the keys are positioned in the maze