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A member registered Sep 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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thank you for playing the game. We were planning on having many more cats and scenarios (also full scenarios not just the ground tiles) but couldn’t make it in time. Maybe in an update soon =]

thank you for playing the game. It really felt like missing some spice in the progression side.

Thank you for playing the game.

The key was really to have a balanced diet with the cat instead of only trying to eat only the cat food, but the result wasn’t great and needed some more work to improve the fun of it.

More verticality would be a lot of fun, we’ll def keep it in mind.

thanks for testing out the game, I really need to work on the controls, but we couldn’t start in the first day of the jam so time was too short to refine some stuff like the controls and some hitboxes. About the score, that’s great feedback, maybe I should bring it more close to the player and blink each Xm or something