I'm delighted to announce that despite the best effort of the gender reveal gang preventing me from submitting to9 jams, my project is nevertheless completed! You can play it in scratch here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/502272227
Recent community posts
While it's not yet complete [1], I have set up my project for this jam: HuniePoop, the very first date sim to introduce a cisgender heroine [2]! However, my attempt to submit the project to this jam had failed repeatedly; is this the work of the fabled cis cult or the checkered mafia?
[1]: Estimated release date is sometime around the first quarter of 2077, although development won't start until late 2076, and debugging will not start until early 2078.
[2]: While many other works in the genre feature characters who are heavily coded as cis, I believe as a privileged trans person I should neutrally dismiss the opinions of cis people.
Hello, I'm a cis ally [1] eager to help uplifting the greatly oppressed cisgender community; however, I have questions regarding the inoffensive criteria. You see, in all of my extensive research [2], I have never seen cis representations other than sex workers who are promptly killed off, and I don't want to upset the tendercishets [3] because their feelings are so fragile and easily hurt. But I do have one (1) cishet friend [4], so I think that means I'm qualified to create respectful and authentic representation of cis people.
[1]: I'm really into hentai featuring cis people.
[2]: Sample size of one (1) Netflix series.
[3]: My one (1) white cis gay friend who I have only talked to on 4chan once assured me this is not a slur.
[4]: My dog, Marumi. God rest her soul.