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A member registered Aug 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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just make a game in a new game engine to you

(1 edit)

probably. the game just needs to fit the theme.

                                                                  ^ Here's my progress on my game ^

I had just started working on a game on Godot yesterday and I had made some pretty good progress as of right now, and I am interested in your guy's games as well.

Replaying the game, it's a rather simple concept. You find doodles scattered across the map (fitting the theme: No one can see you). The amount of NPC dialogue in the game is absolutely crazy, and there's way too much that I don't think I can read them all. I think the game should have a more linear progression and clearer objective, however, the game was somewhat enjoyable (it doesn't really fit into my type of games that I play) and i'm sure others might like it as well.

Really interesting game concept. I am quite confused on how to win, and hugging the walls just avoids all the feet.

This was a pretty fun game! I feel like this was like a rage game of sorts, with no checkpoints and being forced to restart, but this was a great game. My issues with the game is that the melee seems very underutilized with the boss being the only part of the melee that feels somewhat special and the melee attack being super spammy.

The tiles were indeed outlined but I'll update the tiles to be more visible.

i'm really confused on the objective of the game, it looks like a really nice looking game but i couldn't seem to find the green key and found the blue key before i can find the green key.

The game feels very polished and it seems like an interesting idea that can be expected upon. Sadly, i wished there was more levels, but still a fun game.

that sucks

Sorry if the guitar wasn't explained properly. The guitar's purpose is to pierce through targets with increased projectile size, however your cooldown speed is 4x slower.

Reminds me of that game where you have to prevent the metal rod from touching the metal walls of the maze. Great game!