^ Here's my progress on my game ^
I had just started working on a game on Godot yesterday and I had made some pretty good progress as of right now, and I am interested in your guy's games as well.
I'm poking Godot and testing tossing some literal numbers around in VR. No idea where this goes yet, doing all the tweak things required for controls and grabbing things in VR physics land. Hoping to make some kind of puzzle game using the theme, but learning VR in a new engine is rough. It's close to Unity, my old engine, but different enough and without my big asset scripts pool I would normally smash things together with. I feel like a noob again, lol.
Not open-source, and real rough at the moment but it's a combination of these three things + some custom systems to determine which way to apply gravity when you touch a surface.
Sorry, I know that's not super helpful unless you've got the time / knowledge to develop it from scratch, but can't share it as it's not entirely my work.
We’re just getting started but we’ve covered the basics of making an FPS in Flax Engine:
We’re running a little late to the starting line but I’m having a blast.