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A member registered Apr 01, 2024

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Primero haz una copia de seguridad de tus archivos guardados, la ruta por defecto en Windows y Linux (en Mac ni idea de cómo va) es la de RenPy, está dentro de tu perfil de usuario como por ejemplo "C:\Users\Tu-Usuario\AppData\Roaming\RenPy", ahí tendrás una carpeta con los guardados de este juego.

Segundo prueba a descargar el juego de nuevo, a abrir ese nuevo ejecutable y a abrir uno de tus archivos guardados anteriores a que te apareciera el fallo.

Si después de probar ésto te fallaran los archivos guardados, puedes tirar de la copia de seguridad que habías hecho.

Si te siguiera fallando, prueba a ir abriendo archivos guardados hacia atrás en el tiempo, o si no, directamente empieza el juego de nuevo con la última versión recién descargada, como no hay muchas opciones llegarás pronto a por donde ibas. Si tienes el archivo de RenPy que guarda por dónde ibas, aunque empezaras un juego nuevo, puedes darle a "skip" y saltará las pantallas que ya habías visto.

Very few AVN games are of this quality, I don't know if it's appropriate to name them here but the number is less than 10.

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If you didn't delete your saved games folder, described in step 1 from my previous comment, they might be still there.

In this case, you only need to download the new 0.7 version and run it, it will automatically search for saved games in the default path.

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The update procedure for Windows, for this and most other RenPy games (RenPy is the game engine in which Eternum and many other games is running), is:

1. Check your Eternum saved games folder, in Windows it's located in this path:


where "YOURUSERNAME" is your actual user account name. It might be a hidden folder, so you might be required to check the "Show hidden folders" option inside Windows file explorer.

Inside that path, you can see all saved games from all your installed RenPy games , each one will be inside a folder with the name of the game, "Eternum" for this game, along a very long number.

That's the folder where your saved games are actually stored, they aren't stored inside your game folder but in this other one. The reason for this is to separate game data (which is generic, and should be easily replaceable) from user data (which is particular to you, and only you can replace it). I don't agree with this architecture, but it's the one Windows is following since Windows XP times.

Make a backup of that folder, in case something goes wrong, because you could download the game as many times as you want, but you can't replace YOUR saved games if they get corrupted, erased or broken somehow.

2. Extract your downloaded 0.7 version game to a different folder from which 0.6 version folder is in. Exactly like you did when you first installed the game, but to another folder.

Don't mix folders from different game versions unless you are told to. Other games release an "only update" version and a "full release" version so you aren't required to download the full game again just to update.

Eternum was only a "full release", so the new game folder doesn't require being intermixed, the new release is everything you need to run the game from the beginning and to continue from 0.6 .

3. Open the new 0.7 version exe and go to load game. Here there would be two possibilities, depending on:

a) The new version being incremental, which means 0.7 contains 0.7 and everything backwards, including the start of the game. This is how Eternum worked until now and I couldn't run 0.7 yet but it's probably the same. With 0.7 version you can just load any saved game and continue playing from there, when you reach the end of 0.6 you will just continue with the new 0.7 content.

b) The new version might not include previous content, which would probably be announced with a "Second part", "Season two" etc... name. For this, you need to save the game at the end of the previous game where you are told to, "Please save your game now" or the like. Then, when you start the following version, you won't be able to start from the start of the game because the new version doesn't include previous content, but you would be able to "import" or "load" the saved game you did at the end of the previous game and continue from there.

4. If you downloaded an incremental version, which is the case with Eternum, once you checked you can continue playing the new 0.7 version content, you can delete the 0.6 game folder. You can safely delete it if:

-You are sure you backed up your saved games folder, described in step 1 here

-You are sure your 0.6 saved games work with the new 0.7 game, so you don't need to keep using 0.6 version for anything else

5. From now on, you can always start the 0.7 version game. It will keep the new saved games in the path described in step 1.

6. For future updates it's the same procedure

Hope it helps, this kind of install procedures were usual for older games (pre Windows XP times) but aren't common now, so if you never found one then you won't know where to start.

Thank you, I've just read your announcement inside Patreon so I'm going to cancel the membership there and wait for your webpage to be ready.

Being robbed out of several weeks of access after paying, with no knowledge about when or if it was actually coming back, is something I can't forgive.

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Hello Perverteer, I've tried to contact you inside Patreon (Patreon itself says it's possible to contact a suspended creator, but it's not) and through any kind of private messaging or e-mail address, but I wasn't able to find one. This comments section is the only means of communication I've found, so sorry if this isn't the appropriate channel but I really tried anywhere else.

The issue is I just had subscribed to your Patreon with a Super Fan tier when your account got suspended, I was barely able to get the extra scenes game but I couldn't check any more content because it was and remains suspended since then.

Should I just cancel the subscription? It looks like in 10 days I will be charged again for a total of 30+30 days, which for now I could only access for like 3 days... which is MAJOR BS.

I want to make it clear that I'm not blaming you for this, Patreon had me waiting for 2 weeks because one of their services was broken, so I have first hand knowledge of their response times.

Thank you