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A member registered Jul 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Deen Oasis community · Created a new topic Performance

Indeed, I am in need, to optimize this project, so anyone who plays, could you share some of your specs (graphic card) and tell me how well/badly the game ran?

That would help a ton, peace:

Thank you! Yeah definitely i have to polish the controls, and will improve the sistems, the next i want to do is to make it so the merged planet is more or less big depending of the number of planets merged.

Thanks dude! Yeah it was the first jam i got to do something hahahah, i appreciate the comment, definitely gonna polish it, have a good day!

wow xd

It's sad to thing about the ducks that werent saved, but the game is so good! gg (even tho i got stuck in a place xd)

(1 edit)

Very nice xd, i got 297 points, this is quite good indeed!! 5/5 in everything

Something similar to a game

The game looks good even tho i lost the sword in some spots where i couldn't get it in any way xd, but after all it's a jam game, good job with the vibe!

No problem xd, it's something simple yet fundamental for pixel art, anyways at least you made the game xddd, mine idk what actually is to be honest hahahah, but it's my first jam after all..

Not bad, even tho there are little technical details that can be improved! 

-When you have your sprite click the source image in assets and in the settings of the inspector change bilinear to point (no filter) (so you have nice unblurry pixels!)

-Appart from that i found some disbalances between the skeletons and the mushrooms (lmao they moved like crazy sometimes xddd) so it would be nice to do more balancing (it's a jam tho, my game isn't done at all so i canno't complain hgahahah)