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Deep Rest Games

A member registered Apr 23, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot for playing!

It was our first time doing a point and click type of game, some design choices are pretty questionable haha but I'm super glad that you enjoyed it!
Next time we'll definitely focus on the feeling of "watch out, something just happened!". And a hint system, that can help too haha

Thanks for the super nice and constructive feedback!

Thank you for your kind comment! The hint for the Vinegar is the first part of the poem in the Sulfur book in the library ;)
I'm really curious about your bug report.. Can you remember if you tried to close the book with Q / right click?

Thank you! And yeah, we're talking about potentially implementing a "hint" mechanic after the jam :)

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I think we made the key too hard to spot .-. it's located...

(spoiler below)







... below the Alembic, on the desk (better seen if you're focusing on the table).

Hey I am sorry to hear about your issues with getting the game to run on browser. I am here to report that unfortunately your link leads me to a blank page (see screenshot) :/


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Thank your for the very nice comment! It sounds like maybe you didn't manage to open the chest? :P

Thank you so much for playing our game, it means a lot!  Very glad you enjoyed the atmosphere and the vibes of despair, seems like we got that right :D

We'll take the feedback to make our next games better and better, so thanks a lot for the help!