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A member registered Aug 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!

Oh, it's about a bug for Russian players, not Russian translation. The bug is for Russian players who have played the translated version and want to play Day 3 but in English. They encountered a bug that made the main menu options disappear and it was only for those who played the translated version of the game.

Day 3 Russian translation is currently being worked on by the team that did the last translation! I can't say when it will be done, though.

Even so they're still valid <3 It's quite the compliment!

It might take a while since the last translation took two months. But rest assured I'll be posting a devlog about it when it's good and ready <3!

Oh thanks for catching it!

I don't think it affects the gameplay so that's up to you!

Oh I'm glad it worked!! Hope you enjoy the update <3!

Oh, thank you for the addition! I'll go back and cleanup the folders to redo the build distributions, as I realized I did leave those tl folders in there. Thank you for the help!

Oh, noted! In that case I'll look for other solutions. In the meantime, have you tried removing the MO files from %appdata% for a fresh start?

Hello! I hope you don't mind me replying in English, but after translating your comment, my understanding is that the main menu options disappeared.

Another player had the same issue where they played with the translated version. After deleting the files, the latest version works fine! 

"upd. Last time I played the game I was playing with a translated version of it, so I had to completely delete it to run the 3.0, and now it works just fine"

Can you try that and see if it works for you as well?

Oh thank you for the update! I've gotten another comment in Russian with the same problem, I'm glad it's an easy fix! Thank you and hope you enjoy the update!

(1 edit)

Do you mean continue your game from a previous save? I think so! Though I haven't tested it yet.

 But you'd have to download the new version that has Days 1 to 3 to play the latest update, of course!

Oh, it usually does! It's happened a few times before; some games just have that error on the app for some reason. Can you try downloading through the website and let me know how that goes?

Oh, I see! So it stops at itchio? Were you on the website version of itchio or the app?

Hello! Can you tell me what the issue is specifically? I've been getting comments on people being unable to download/play it so I'd like to know what could be the problem

You can check the tumblr for updates! Plenty already know when the third day is coming ::-)

You can check the tumblr for updates! Plenty already know when the third day is coming ::-)

Hi! Were you using the itchio app? Because it's known to have that issue with a few games. Can you try downloading on the website itself and let me know?

Oh good to know! And thank you so much <3!

Hi! Apparently it's a common issue for some games when downloading using the itch app to have that error. Some users mention it works when downloading directly from the website, so maybe you can try that and let me know how it goes?

Were you using the itchio app? It's a common issue there with other games with that same error. You can try downloading directly from the itchio site and see if it works?

(1 edit)

Hello! Ty for the heads up! For some reason I always need to re-update the link every few weeks so it's totally no bother! I've updated both links for this dev post and the one on tumblr. It should work now, let me know if you still have any issues! :-D You can find the new link in the post above!

Oh I think it might be a script error. The download above is indeed Day 1 and Day 2, it's just the message in the end hasnt been changed to reflect the update. If you got to the river scene and it ends thats the ending to Day 2

I think some have mentioned it's a bug on the app itself. Downloading directly from the site should be able to work. Let me know if it does!

Hello! Did it work?

Ohh you're not the only one who's encountered this issue. If you look down in the comments a user by Leah also can't install it through the app (apparently it's a bug; I don't personally use the app but I've tested it for myself and it's definitely there). 

It's suggested to download it from the site directly. Can you try that?

Hi! Can I know your download process and what the issue is?

Oh, if there's a virus warning you can ignore it. It's pretty common to get those notifications when downloading games on itchio

Haha no worries! There's no clear indicator between Day 1 and Day 2 other than the black screen unlike other VNs so I understand the confusion! And thank you! Excited to keep working on Day 3 :-)


That's the end of Day 2! Hahaha. And thank you so much <3

Yeah, that's the end to Day 2. There is no new day as of yet haha.

That's strange, I've taken down the versions that end in Day 1. What is the final scene that happens?

What happens when you try to download it?

What happens when you try to download it?

Did you play until the end of Day 1? :-0

Oh wow, thank you SO much for the thoughtful comment 😭😭😭❤️ I re-read it so many times and I honestly cant write with words how much this comment means to me. 

While Mychael is a more tame yandere compared to other VNs (I've had players tell me they forget he's a yandere in the first place haha!) I definitely wanted him to be more than just the trope itself! As a fan of yan content myself, I kinda agree with you haha. It's almost too easy to say a character is in love with the MC, but why the player of all people? How do they stand out among the rest to justify the shady actions that're usually associated with the lovesick trope?

And aaa tysm <3!! I really wanted to have Mychael be the one to represent himself to the player, and nitpicked everything from what he talks about to how much he talks about it the player through Day 1 and Day 2!  I can only hope I could keep it up for future updates <3!!!

The game is available for download again!

The game is available for download again!

Nah, this project will remain free even after completion :-)