I think instead if possible , cause not everyone can install java, you should make a executable running on machine code. I'm sure there is a way, that way anyone can play it.
I left the script in there on purpose, so if you have an code editor you can play around with it. Just know it won't directly influence exe file. You can try to fix it maybe
Thank you, I left the script in there on purpose, so if you have an code editor you can play around with it. Just know it won't directly influence exe file. I also love your game!
thank you, did you find the txt file. And also I left the script in there on purpose, so if you have an code editor you can play around with it. Just know it won't directly influence exe file.
Again, Another python, I'm assuming, pygame game. I love this one, it has very fun gameplay and the overall astatic is cool, I wish the enemies gave you more the harder they were. Well, I got 59!
Mm, Love this. I have always been a fan of the RTS genre. If only the Padoru's followed the flags explicitly, they follow the flag then go back to what they were doing. Making you useless. However, other than that, the music tree-nes , and art are swell.