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A member registered Sep 05, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! That WAS the original idea, but unfortunately we didn't have time to implement more weapons, which is a bit sad because we had some cool weapon ideas

Oh my god, I played the entire demo without knowing that haha. I just noticed that some bullets on the ground are gold while others are gray

Ah, but doesn't this consume the ammo? I meant like, is it possible to steal the bullet from it?

Really fun! The gun management is spot on. I haven't finished the entire demo yet but I played until a bit after the boss (it's late here and I gotta sleep haha).

Here's some feedback:

-I'm not sure if this is by design, but I never understood how to unload bullets from the rusty "sniper" guns (forgot the name).

- I really missed having some kind of minimap that at least showed me where I already went, because I got lost quite a bit before finding the correct path, and having the gun limiting your view radius, while kinda cool, made it also kinda hard to know if a path was a dead end or not. I found myself carrying an empty "sniper" gun all the time just so I could see farther.

- I really wish I could remap the guns keys as well...

But this being a demo and all is understandable that there are missing things/incomplete things, and even with those problems, the game itself was really well done and fun! Really looking forward to the full game!

You bring some great points.

This game was made for a GameJam so it's indeed lacking some features and is full of bugs, but we're already working on those!

And of course, thanks for the feedback!

Currently you can only control the preview speed, buy having some type of play/pause/rewind and frame-by-frame controls would really help. On multiplayer I've lost a lot of time waiting for the preview to reset to see what my choices would do.

Aside from that, really cool game! And really nerve-wrecking haha

This game is pretty simple but it's really cool. I just think the end is reeeeeally bad. Like, it's the idea of it is really cool, but the execution basically relies on luck entirely!

When I FINALLY got extremelly lucky and got Nidhogg and Jormungandr, getting Fenrir is super easy, but then! I used fenrir on The Almighty, he unlocked one of the "GO"s, I used Nidhogg and guess what? He used the only Ragnarok he had! It took me like, half and hour to get to him and when I finally do, this happened?! Sorry but I had to rage quit the game at that point.

Still, the concept is really cool, and seeing how absurd things start to get is pretty fun, I just wish I could see the ending.

I liked the game, the "create spell" mechaninc is a little wonky (Sometimes I ended creating lv1 spells unintentionally), but it's still pretty fun. The Presentation of game is really nice! The spells and golens were very well done, but I have to say that the glowing ground is VERY ditracting.

Aside from that, it was a good game, great work!

I really liked the idea, adn the execution was pretty well done. Good job!

I found the concept cool, but in reallity I didn't fully understand how the game played. I didn't understand hot to make Timmy make better drawings. I did understand that using zoom made more precisa lines, but even with that, the lines ended up bad. The level selection menu could be more clear too.

But like I said, the concept is pretty cool and the fact that everything is a drawing instead of sprites has a certain charm, so good job.

Thanks a lot for the feedback!

About the Q/E thing, we were gonna have more enemies and guns, but we didn't have time to finish those, so we just disabled it, but since that was done in the last hour or so, we forgot to remove the command from the menu --'