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A member registered Jul 13, 2020

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Wow, really excellent. I love the feeling you pulled off with the guitar music and rain sounds. Beautiful, simple visuals and an original control scheme. I'd totally play an expanded version of this concept.

Wow, really nice! I liked the concept a lot. I agree with the other commenter that the controls weren't ideal--it might be better to have one mouse button click-and-drag the map while the other places the bombs. It felt very easy, but I think the difficulty could ramp up in later levels.

Very impressive that you did the "foley" for the game! This was fun and I like the concept a lot. Wasn't really made clear that the water on the map would kill you, but I suppose it's something that you learned naturally as you played. 

I really liked this! I've played similar games before. I think as other commenters have said, it's pretty hard to hit the tiny satellite, but the controls feel good! Another thing I would consider is making the edges of the map bigger so you have more chances to "orbit" around the stars and hit the goal.

Seems like the game stops juuust short of really being playable. It seems like only the first bomb works, and I can't tell what the "fist" does.  I also feel like it's a bit odd to have an AOE damage item like a bomb when there's only one "enemy." I like the idea and the ambition!

I enjoyed the game overall, but it doesn't seem like there's any kind of ending condition. Clever central mechanic though.

Super polished game with a cool puzzle mechanic.

Super polished game with a cool puzzle mechanic.

This game is great. I love the different challenges that each "driver" poses to the player. It gets really difficult to dodge the rocks, however, to the point that they're just taking up the entire road and there's sorta nowhere you can go.

Yeah, I had a lot of trouble understanding what was going on... Most importantly how to control which direction I was throwing? Very evocative idea though.

Wonderful job! Lots of depth with the controls changing as different malfunctions happen. It wasn't immediately clear how to score points at first but I eventually figured out that you have to hold the remote for them to show up at all. really fun and fast paced!