oh copy! no problems thanks so much for your time!
Recent community posts
Thanks so much for your answer, it is not exactly what I am looking for but almost! I want the exact object I am selecting (which has already been placed on the scene) to be able to be relocated with the same features the addon offers when placed for the first time.
Let's suppose I already put the tank on the scene. What I am looking for is the same features (click to place, alt+click,E/R,Shift+E, etc) to show when I click on the tank that was placed previously, without copying It but to relocate)
This tank was not placed yet, but I want to relocate it with those addon features
I am wondering if it is possible to have the drag and place feature for already-placed objects. Like for example If I placed a barrel and then I decide to move it around and place It again without copying the object again or dragging It from the asset placer. It is possible to do this? I primarily interested in doing this to have the placement mode surface to objects already placed. And maybe to do it on runtime!
Hope this question is clear, but if is not let me know! I love the addon thanks so much for your work!