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A member registered Aug 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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So my friend was mentally insane so he made a song called angy birb song (its in germen)

hipedi hopedi, your code is now my property

please add sex

yeah, i had in plan that it has one 'game jam' version, and one version that has the biggest glow up of every glow up that glowed up but not too good of a glow up of the glow ups that glowed up in the glowed up room with an glowed up computer running this glowed up version that had a glow up of a glow down game

hey, at least only 4 coins, not 69 coins per enemy, or 420

i think its because of the application.targetfps, it was too low

the first 4 days i skipped the game, then the last two games, i worked so hard, so i had no time to fix everything, even to create an tutoria

nah, im a programmer

its not what i expected, I use unity myself, so heres a tip:

use Event triggers instead of buttons, it sends the Event when you want it to send, in this case, use OnMouseDown or something like that