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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for this! I love short emotional stories like this!!

Huh interesting, the arrow is only supposed to show on mobile. I’ll look into it!

Thanks! Yeah i needed to spice it up a bit at the end and might’ve overdone it a small bit compared to the first two levels haha. Glad you enjoyed though!

Hey, thanks for the feedback! I had some conflicts with the jump speed when using space to jump out of the toaster, so i took the east way out and changed it to E haha. There should’ve been an input prompt telling you which button to press above the timing bar though, did that not show for you?

And about coyote time, good idea, I’ll look into it thanks!

Glad to hear that you like it!!

Haha, thanks!!

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks!


Thanks! Yeah as I said in another comment, it was a quick thing we threw together, I agree the tutorial could’ve been done a lot better!

Thank you!!

Thanks! I’m glad to hear people finding different ways to have fun with the game haha

Thanks a lot! Yeah the tutorial was kind of “we have half an hour left, let’s at least try making a tutorial” thing haha

After making this, I too am glad that I’m not a printer lol, thanks for playing!

Thank you, yes we were actually planning a mini map for the maze, but unfortunately time ran out :(

However, if you want to complete the game through the other route (the good path), wait a little after the gun drops from the pillar and another path might open up!

Thanks! He still even scares us sometimes hahah