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A member registered Feb 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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Also die Assets sind vollkommen in Ordnung. Die Spiellogik ist ein wenig sehr ersichtlich, aber trotzdem erfüllen sie den Troll Punkt. Was aber ein wenig sehr nervig ist, das es kein Exit Menü gibt

@mrluchs . Fehler in der JAM Beschreibung: 

  • Teilnehmen kannst Du vom 14. April bis zum 23. April 2023
(1 edit)

Hello Community,

after i programming the Last time many little 2D ideas, i find the Love to Pixel Art. A small Project From me, that is Go lost, has a own Tileset that i have painted and used. After i now dont have the Project anymore, i want give the Community the Tileset for free. When i See that people use it, i will Update With new graphic's by time

16px Medieval Tileset Sidescroller

Sry for my Bad English, i am German and i am Not so good in writing English.

Best regards

Really Nice Concept. It has make Fun

Hello Pixel Poet Games, well, i have played your Game and i find the Idea behind really good. I Have the Same Problem with the Jump by 95FPS . I think when you update this Bug, then it can be really good. Best Regards. Voted positiv

Thanks a lot Pixel Poet Games :)

Thanks for the Feedback :)

Cool Game. Has make many Fun :)

Hi TrueHorse, i have tested your game and find it well implemented. Maybe if you continue to develop it a tutorial or something would be cool. Otherwise small but nice :) I find it good

Hey muellerberndt, thanks for the Feedback. If you hit the red walls, you will be taken back to the pit and have to start all over again. Please tell me, is there anything outside of this feature that can be a bug or is it basically just an annoying effect? :) I have write on my ToDo the Point of more Instructions and will show, how I can best implement it. Best Regards

Hello True Horse. Thanks for the Information. I will check it, when i am Back Home the next Days. The Pink Box open on the Left Side after 5 seconds. When you hit the red walls, you will be taken back to the pit and have to start all over again. Please tell me, is there anything outside of this feature that can be a bug or is it basically just an annoying effect? Best Regards