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A member registered Oct 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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You have the right to express your opinion/critique whatever you want! The game clearly isn't for you, and that's completely valid, tastes and preferences vary. What may seem low quality and effort to you might be liked and supported by others. The game is in development, and whenever we can improve it, we will, because we want to bring the best we can with the knowledge and budget we have. Regards.

The AI allows many creators to bring their ideas to life, opening up new opportunities for players. If you don't like the art, you can simply choose other alternatives. There are many tastes and different developers, some put in less effort, but you choose what to play. Take care!

My ticket number is 174804.

Thank you for your assistance.


 We sent an email to support ten days ago, and as we haven't received a response, we're unsure about the next steps. 

Could you please assist us? 

 Thank you.


Since 21-10-2023, our project is not showing up on the site's search engine (~27 days).

After waiting for a few days, on 08-11, we sent an email to support, and they replied, stating that our request is under review, but we haven't received any updates yet.

Is there an estimated waiting period for updates?

If any additional modifications are needed for our publication, please let us know.

The link to our project's publication is:

Thank you very much in advance!