Were you by chance inspired by Akane? It reminded me of that and I LOVE that game, have quite a few hours in it lol
Beautiful art and I really liked the concept! I may have encountered some glitching with the moves not proceeding in the input order but still very fun.
Pretty game, fun to keep trying to get through the lasers and I liked the movement concept.
Great visuals, nice little sound effects and the progression is challenging. Very addicting!
This was a treat. What a polished narrative game!
Finally got a score of 15! That was genuinely fun and I could spend a lot of time on it :)
Silly and fun! I had way too much trouble with the toast lol.
Good, fun challenge. I like the screen effects when sprinting. I could only 2 star each level!
I enjoyed the challenge and the two enemies I fought but I quickly ran out of them and ran around aimlessly for a while with no one to fight
Loved the mouth-made sound effects :')
Like other commenters, I enjoyed exploring the combinations but would have also like some info about what I prepared!