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Dev Mung

A member registered Sep 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Good game, great atmosphere. The visuals and audio go well together and it feels polished. Only thing that detracted from the experience was having the camera get obstructed sometimes. Other than that, good job.

Great game all around. Good graphics, good sounds, good time management, just good. I'm very impressed that you drew and coded basically everything yourself within the time limit, especially since the pixel art looks pretty good. How long did the pixel art take and how experienced are you, if you don't mind me asking?

Great artstyle, well done. I will say however that I feel like the gameplay should get more tense over time. Perhaps make the coffee have a permanent boost alongside the immediate one?

Good game. However, it's pretty easy to get softlocked by going full speed at a wall and not really being able to turn away from it. Especially with the sharp 90 degree turns.

The gameplay and user interface are pretty good, very polished. I ended up figuring out how to play, but the lack of a tutorial and audio made it unsatisfying. Although the description provides instructions on how to play, often times having a wall of text is not the best way to get that through to the player. Overall, still a good job.

Good game. One suggestion I have is to make missing a corner slow you down a lot instead of stopping you completely. Alternatively, you could make recovering from a corner more satisfying.

The last level is possible, but you have to go as fast as possible to make the last jump. Additionally, to maximize for distance, it's best to do the last jump at around a 35 - 45 degree angle.

RIP snowman.

Thanks, I basically had to gamble on that part by tuning the spawn values through two test runs. Glad to hear it turned out well.

You know, this game surprisingly feels more polished than the thumbnails had me believe. Good choice in being consistent with your style in visuals and the gameplay feels responsive (save for the lack of audio when shooting + hitting things). Good job.

Nice game, I really like the sword cutting mechanism. It's very satisfying.

Great game once you figure out how to play it with great sound + visuals. Although there's a tutorial on how to play, I felt like the movement scheme was unintuitive which really hinders its playability.

Very nice and creative idea with good execution. Some feedback:

  • The bricks and background don't mash well together in terms of artstyle.
  • Having sound always make a game better and not having it can really lowers your score at the end of the jam.
  • The reset level button at the top sometimes gets in the way of wanting to click the blocks it covers.
  • Good level design. However, I would change the first level to be something extremely easy to introduce the idea to the player.

Great game. I think a tutorial could improve this a bit. It didn't take too long to figure out, but there should be some indication that the number is the amount of bounces you have to beat the level. Also, you can still win after you lose by bouncing the ball despite having <0 bounces left.

Good game. Sounds are good and visuals are nice. However, the procedural algorithm for the levels is a bit broken. After level ~10, the bouncy barriers basically create a death chamber for the enemies and they kill each other. I currently have it running in the background and beating about 1 level per second afk. Some feedback:

  • Consider setting a limit for the number of the walls. 
  • Consider making enemies immune to their own bullets. Same with players.

Good game. The mechanics are good. I feel like this could be improved by giving the bouncing balls more "oomph":

  • When the balls bounce, the sound they make is not what I would expect.
  • The balls could benefit from speeding up by hitting a wall or changing in some way over time.
  • It would improve the experience if the ball would visually have a reaction when it touches a wall.

Great game, polished feel. Some feedback:

  • Graphics fit very well together. They look polished.
  • The audio works well. It sounds just like what you'd expect it to sound.
  • I think the mouse cursor should be hidden. Since you just shoot straight ahead anyways, the mouse is just distracting by making me think I'm shooting elsewhere.

Great concept and mechanics. I felt like the gameplay was smooth while playing. Some feedback:

  • Graphics could be more clear. Wasn't intuitive on which side is bouncy.
  • Some sort of tutorial would upgrade the experience. The mechanic is easy enough to not need it but you can never go wrong with a quick tutorial.
  • More variety in the levels. The first 3 levels were basically the same.

Smooth and polished mechanics. Some feedback:

  • Good implementation of the theme.
  • The background music doesn't loop so if you play long enough it just becomes silent.
  • Surviving felt very easy and was not a challenge. Changing the level design or the enemies could alleviate that.
  • Although the input timer mechanic is good in theory, I didn't feel like it impacted my gameplay at all. It was quick enough to the point where I forgot it existed. When I did remember it, it just detracted from the experience.

I do agree that the game is quite easy. For the most part, I created this as a proof of concept to see if (1) I could create a deck builder with smooth UI and (2) if the growth mechanic had any real potential. Although rebalancing it would improve gameplay, do you feel that the core of the game is solid?

That's a good point. The bunny was intended as a special type of enemy where helpful flowers hurt him and he just eats attacking flowers to become stronger. That's a bit unintuitive so I've changed him a bit to hopefully make him less confusing. Although I intended to make a tutorial, I ended up dropping that out of time concerns.

Great game with a lot of substance. The art style and audio choices are great.

Some feedback:

  • I feel the game could use a lot of improvements in user feedback. It's not obvious how much health an ant has or if the ant has been hit by me.
  • Upon spawning in, I'm immediately swarmed by ants. There is a lack of an intro screen or something of that sort to ease you in.
  • It would be great if the ant sprites could be flipped to face you depending on the direction they're coming from.

Good game. The art style is well put together and animated to create a nice setting. Your choice of audio fits the vibe of the game very well.

Some feedback:

  • The game occasionally crashes for some reason. I've had this happen around the beginning and when I let a zombie pop out of its grave.
  • When you slam on the floor, I feel like having a sound effect for that would be great.
  • Difficulty should scale over time or new enemies should be introduced for continued gameplay interest.
(1 edit)

Great game. Having the air meter balance how long you can be underwater and the life meter let you know how close your cutting it is intuitive and interesting. On top of that, I like your choice of sound effects.

Some feedback:

  • I feel like this game could've benefited from background noise. Being above water was too silent compared to underwater.
  • Having a separate scene for the menu would've been good.
  • I felt like the things on the floor were gold. Upon picking them up, the first thing I looked for was upgrades. Implementing those would've been great.
  • If possible, include WASD controls as a second option to arrow controls.

Great game with a polished feel. The art style is well done and you have a clear gameplay loop. I like that you have upgrades, it gives some motivation to keep going back so you can become faster.

Some feedback:

  • Sounds effects would bring this game to the next level.
  • I agree with other commenters that the controls are not intuitive and have  a learning curve. An option to invert keyboard controls or even an option to use mouse instead would be great.

I like the creative construction of your game. With limited time, abstracting the fish to shadows helps save time and clearly marks the "Underneath Us" theme of the jam. I see that the basis of your gameplay loop is done, and there's potential for improvement.

Some feedback:

  • It would be great if the boat had some sort of dash ability to temporarily go faster. You can possibly have a separate bar for a dash timer or you could make it take some of your health if you go faster.
  • Sound effects would be great
  • Score would be great

The gameplay is well done and engaging. I think the way that you float the menu back down when the player dies to restart is great.

Some feedback:

  • The color palette makes it difficult to see the player and platforms. If they stood out more that would make it a better experience.
  • It would be great if it was possible to use a/d keys to move as well. I've got one of those keyboards that don't have arrow keys unless you hold the fn key so having a/d would've been more convenient.
  • Some audio effects would be good.

Great game and level design with intuitive gameplay and polished feel. However, the camera bopping up and down is a bit motion-sickness inducing. Additionally, having some audio would be a step in the right direction.

Liked the gameplay and artstyle. Finding a valuable path to dig deeper is interesting. However, I didn't feel like the gameplay loop encouraged the player to be invested in their current run. A lack of change in deeper depths (other than bigger oil numbers) made me not want to go much deeper.

Some feedback:

  • Right clicking to start doesn't remove the instructions for me, left clicking does.
  • The scanner circle takes a bit too long and its design felt a bit unintuitive. Perhaps a shorter time and a more traditional timer-style scanner would work better?
  • Spots with a value of more than 1 aren't harvested all at once which felt unintuitive.

You can win by bumping the bar all the way to the ceiling. Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to make the goal more clear next time.