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Hey, thanks for the comment, I really appreciate hearing your ideas. You obviously spent some time checking out this game and put thought into your notes! I think you make a lot of valid points that I will definitely want to look into when I revisit this game after the jam.
Since this is a jam game I did not much time to balance/optimize, so the math problem you describe definitely exists. "Sloppy" sounds a bit harsh, but I take it ;) ... and chalk it up to the time constraints in a game jam ^^.
I rated and reviewed your game :)

This is my submission, check it out: Its an action tower defense game, where enemies drop more loot, the closer to your HQ you kill them.
The base drum sound whenever you hit a wall was great and totally fit with the music and the visuals of the game. Generally you found a very coherent atmosphere for this game. The game mechanic was a bit strange I think, holding the mouse-button and just shortly releasing it with as much speed as possible and hopping through the level in straight lines was actually the only strategy that got me somewhere, and then you kinda loose the physics part of the game, where you have to think about trajectories. Not sure if it was intended that way though.
All in all a really nice and atmospheric entry. Props!
Nice effort :) I got frustrated for a second, but managed to finish the game in the end. I also liked the particle effect on the orb and the character sprite (very cute!).
Here are some pointers:
* Some cool down period after getting hit and losing a life would be great, most of the time, I got insta-killed because my life was drained super fast.
* The big guy before getting to the door blocked me at the beginning and I got confused, until I just rushed by him, before he could do so.
* The second part of the level (after going through the door) could be placed further away, so you don't see it through the wall. I got stuck a bit trying to get to the door and was wondering why I cant get there.
Keep at it! Enjoyable little game you put together there.
Some indication when the next wave is coming is definitely something I want to add.
Yeah, different enemies had different health and speed. Special abilities is a really good idea. I added the tower and fence buying stations to make the game more dynamic and have the player run around a lot (the same reason you have to restock the towers ... to make *less* towers *more* manageable ^^). Maybe I've went overboard with forcing the player running everywhere though.
There is actually an indicator on the tower (a bar that shrinks), but its not very obvious, probably also something to improve upon :)
I didn't get to do a lot of balancing, so in that area the game *really* lacks. If/when I revisit the game after the jam, thats something I need to put much more effort into.
Really glad you liked it :)
Nice, healthy take on the theme :). I liked how the player got bigger, the more junk food he ate: Very good message.
Maybe not making the other character randomly pop in and out of existence could be worth a try, and let them walk around randomly instead? Also I noticed that the movement was only going in 4 distinct directions. Making your character walk in all directions, depending on the input could be nice as well.
Great effort!

This is my submission, check it out: Its an action tower defense game, where enemies drop more loot, the closer to your HQ you kill them.
Creat visuals! The blueprint esthetic works really well for a stealth game and having the whole thing look like a heist plan is a really nice idea. Sfx and music also fit great.
I personally would like it better if the player (as well as the opponents) would move a bit slower, which would make it easier to control in my opinion, but thats just personal taste.
Really great work!
Hej, great game for your first game-jam entry! I love the minimalistic art style (I'm a sucker for pixel graphics) and you have multiple levels with some sort of difficulty ramp. Great effort!
Here are some pointers from me:
1) I'd let the robot go down to 0 hearts, that gives you more than 2 jumps and would probably allow you to be a bit more flexible with the level design.
2) Some more difficult levels could be nice.
This is a really fun entry. The concept of "just deleting files", as stupid as it sounds, is pretty enjoyable :). The biggest gripe I have with the game though, is that there is no signalling before attacks happen. Usually when deadly attacks came, that was just the end of me. If I was lucky, I would survive one by chance. Adding some signalling on when they start and during those attacks (e.g. a little indicator of where the explosions hit, a few milliseconds before it happens) would probably give the player some skill-based chance of dodging, making those deaths feel less random.
Good job with the Windows-like interface and the browser :D. Looks really fun. Nice work!