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A member registered Apr 20, 2021

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I agree, that in most cases secual actions kinda grow gradually. (Anal is usually not a date 1 type of thing xP)

But with the tooltip saying you have 'no consent' it sounds like anything you do is forced upon them. 

Perhaps a good middle way can be found, using red-orange-green. Where you'd need consent during dates to take it to a sexual level (otherwise everything is red and will 'break' the char) but after the general consent it's more of a red='not comfortable with this', orange='nervous but ok' and green ='yes please' :p 

From the devs' explanation I think this system would still adhere to their idea for it, shouldnt be too hard to implement and would be more clear and feel less like violating them even though they're pretty ok with the actions :)

Tbf, i really like the game thus far. The only issues i have is with the estelle and silvia stuff. It's blatantly obvious that they are "mom and sis" even though the default setting is supposedly "landlady and roommate". 

I know that it's not an easy task to change all old lines to conform to other situations (deffo not if you can pick whichever title you want for these 2), but estelle's 4th scene is just so blatantly referring to brother/sister stuff.

So i wanted to ask if there's something on the roadmap to maybe rewrite it or have an incest slider that toggles some of the lines? Cause not every perv who plays games like these enjoys the idea of screwing family members xP