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A member registered Oct 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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I thought it would only take an hour, but I ended up spending a few hours adding that functionality for you.  It will now save and load json maps and export a png of the map. The Fileinout extension broke, so i removed it for now in this version, which means it will only save in game makers allowed sandbox areas unless you're running the project in the editor. I added the project to the download page and tried to update the game example project Save and Load scripts which should work, but i didn't have time to test. 

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Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into adding that functionality. You could write a little program to convert the map file to json. 
iirc I tried to explain how the map data works in the readme.txt. I believe the "retro map data" is a raw data dump separated by spaces so you can see it in a text editor and import it into anything you want or convert it. If i get around to it, i'll try to make a program to convert the file and upload it for you.

I haven't worked on it in a while, so i'm a bit rusty. I actually have a newer version or modification of it that i've been meaning to upload which edits chunks of a map and stores them in one file for a roguelike i'm working on. each chunk is a room like binding of isaac or a screen in the legend of zelda. If that would be of use to you, i could upload that too. 

edit: Oops! I just checked and i guess I didn't specify how the save data works in the readme.txt. 

This Is a really simple program I wrote for when i'm gaming and don't want to get carpal tunnel from clicking nonstop or having my hands hurt from holding down the mouse button for long periods of time. I've been using it for things like digging in Minecraft or attacking in Gauntlet. I've been using it so much, i figured i'd upload it for others to use. I'm still not sure what to call it? Try it out and let me know if you what you think! If you have any errors or want me to add some features feel free to contact me.

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MapMaker.exe is the editor, not the project. The project contains the code to load the maps you made in the editor.  Basically, once you make a map in the editor and save it, put the map file in the games save location(%appdata%/yourgamename) and open the map you want by using the function scrLoadMap("") sort of like you would with room_go_to(room_id);

To open the project in GMS2 select import project instead of open project and it'll work fine.

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I made a similar map editor that exports to Gamemaker Studio you might want to try

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It's very powerful, yet simple and easy to learn. I made it mostly for games I'm working on in game maker and my custom game engine, but it has alternate formats it can export for use in just about any language. I included a game maker project to demonstrate how to import the maps and spawn objects. If i see enough people using it i'll upload pseudo code or scripts for loading maps in other languages like C++.

Don't feel bad, mine needed the the last 3 hours but I was up for 24 hrs and just didn't feel like messing with it anymore.  Has a weird bug where it goes in to an infinite loop  on occasion I need to sort out. Look forward to checking out your game too. Btw, your post about submitting your game on time helped. thanks!

Too tired to continue, but I submitted what I have so far. Regrettably, I didn't have time or energy to finish adding coop, bosses, shop, enemy and player sprites or fix all bugs. Think I did alright for my first game jam though.

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Works for me. I think you can add me from my discord ID? #8331
I also have a server set up

Sure. You have skype, discord or steam?

I'm working on a 2D game in GML if anyone wants to join me. Have most of the game play there, but could use help with art/music/design.