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A member registered May 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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6/10 me gusta la mecanica de disparo quedo bastante bien, pero en mi opinion deberian ponerle mas Juice, como camera shake o podrian anadir particulas al disparar la pistola y cuando la bala inpacte al zombie eche sangre, estaria muy cool. El detalle que no me gusto fue que los enemigos me hacen dano a pesar de estar bien lejos de ellos, es bastante injusto, y otra cosa es el intento de paralax que trataron de usar, de verdad que no entiendo eso, debieron mejor continuar con el diseno top down, se le veria mejor. y lo de que mueres y tienes que volver a jugar el juego desde 0 es muy doloroso no hagan eso estaba casi terminando el nivel 2 y me mataron, jajajaja, porfa arreglen eso y eso es todo, gracias y esperon que continuen haciendo juegos que tienen bastante potencial! 

oh wait i realized that colliding with the stars is part of the game haha 

Nice game! i had the same issue that the other guy had, i think you probably forgot to add a trigger collider to the starts. i really like the shop i like to be able to upgrade my ship!

we are a team consisted of a writer and me, a programmer. We joined this jam to meet new people and enjoy the process of making a game! if interested reach me at my discord: josep5880. 

Tambien hablamos espanol!

this is my portfolio


hi, I’m interested! I sent you a friend request

iguana, lagartija lagalto

Thank you!! i forgot to fix that XD

Cool game! Can you make a tutorial on how to make that effect when you go through the trees? it was really cool! also, i used the same asset, what a coincidence XD

I need to work a little bit on balancing the game. xd thank you for playing

Such a nice game honestly, it's really satisfying to play, good work!!! The only thing it need is a pause menu and another mechanic to kill monsters would be nice.

Wow this game is really crazy! i really like the concept, i hope you guys continue developing it, And Please, it would be perfect if you add a retry button, i hate that i have to close the app and open it again.

I think you could explain that their own shadows are the enemy inside the game, because it did not understand the goal of the game until I saw your description. But, other than that, i think you game is a cool concept! Keep up the good work. 

The story is really interesting, I would suggest adding some voice acting, that would help to make the game more immersive, i think there is an ai that can do that for you.

Thank you so much for playing my game! I will add those solutions that you mentioned on a next update. Thank you again.

(1 edit)

My game is a mix of puzzle/platformer, first time making a puzzle game, so I would like you test my game, can you get all the Diamonds?

It's really hard to play, you should consider add a tutorial or something. But cool mechanics! I liked when you can use your own bullets as a platform.

Thanks a lot!

Thank you!

Gracias por la explicacion, la verdad que es una historia bastante abstracta, honestamente, hasta pense que el protagonista estaba en drogas o algo XD. pero aun asi la experiencia es muy buena. Gracias por responder

Muchas Gracias por jugarlo! Tendre en cuenta todo lo que me has dicho para mi proximo juego de terror. Quisiera saber si es posible estar en contacto, ya que no tengo amigos desarrolladores xd

Me encanto mucho el juego! los graficos, la ambientacion, animaciones.. quedaron muy bien!

Aunque la historia no la entendi XD

Que casualidad, yo publique un juego con una estetica similar al tuyo, me gustaria que lo jugaras y me contaras que tal!

Thank you for playing my game!

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing!!

No problem man! i wish you the best

Thank you for helping me!

Great idea! i liked the particle effects and the "mega man" laser mechanic XD

It would be 10x fun if you added more enemies or some kind of wave system

Thank you so much for playing my game!


Hello, i tried to upload my project to github but it just didnt work, so i uploaded it in google drive, here is the link:

3D Artist (Blender) and Junior programmer (C# Unity) here! Sometimes game development feels so lonely so i decided to create a team or join a team.  If you are interested dm me JoseP#5880 

Tambien hablo espanol!


Thanks bro!

Thank you! Glad you like it

Good game! I feel like the controls can be improved but good game overall


Tas bien?

Nice little story, i hope to see it fully developed someday

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