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Super Space RocksView game page

Created for the GameDev.TV Game Jam 2022
Submitted by OM3G4_247 — 5 days, 22 hours before the deadline
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Space Asteroids game with neon style and particle systems! Wow, it's cool! :)


Nice game! I liked the aesthetic and the twist with the blue rocks.

Also liked the idea of a spaceship having air breaks :)


As a fun of asteroid type game, this was very refreshing to play, really nice one. 


Nice take on asteroids!  I really like the effect of the squares kind of changing size as they moved through space.   Also liked the SFX sounds a lot.  Some good background music would be nice.   Not sure how this tied into the game-jam theme, but I had fun playing it.  Nicely done.


Really solid game. Particularly liked the particle effects and sounds. Movement of the ship was fun too.


This game is super addicting and I love it! Not only it's fun but also the sound effects are amazing , making the experience even better. Great work there! ^-^


Great game! Loved the retro feel.


Fun game and the movement feels really nice. The only thing I would have asked to change is that you can see your score updating as you play instead of when you die.


Great mechanics ! The movement feels fun and natural, and the effects are great too. Not sure if it's only me though, but I was having FPS drops sometines (downloaded the game, not played via webpage).


Great idea! i liked the particle effects and the "mega man" laser mechanic XD

It would be 10x fun if you added more enemies or some kind of wave system


OH, I loved Megaman too!, I'm going, to be honest, it was 100% the inspiration, so I'm overjoyed that a fellow fan picked up on it! XD
That's a brilliant idea!
I'm going to be sure to prioritize creating and adding AI enemies as soon as possible!
To be honest the thought honestly didn't even cross my mind, so I'm super grateful that you took the time to give me this feedback I'm going to make sure I use it to improve this game and my future games further :D


No problem man! i wish you the best


A 5 star winning game ! How such simplle game can give me that much fun. Thank you for allowing us to test your game.
Bravo !


I'm absolutely over the moon to hear that you enjoyed playing my game!
Thank you so much for your amazing feedback and support!
It's absolutely amazing to receive such high praise and it genuinely means the world to me! :D


I never really liked the original Asteroids or games inspired by it, mostly due to the clunky controls, so it says something that I had fun. Adding mouse controls really made the movement experience smooth.

My "Ooooh" moment was realizing that each life could get me only 10000 points from shards and I needed 50000 points to win. 20000 points were missing?? That's where the genius of the blue squares come in. My first impression was that the whole shard gimmick was just to fulfill the theme topic but it's important when and where you die to maximize the post mortem points.

For some reason when I was close to 50k and died for the third time I got 3 new lives. Is that a bug or a feature I failed to notice? The graphics and sound effects are positively retro. I'll see to check out your other games at a later date. Thanks for the fun and all the best ^_^


Thank you so much for your amazingly detailed feedback! :D
To know that I made a game that was originally not enjoyable more enjoyable means a TON to me!
It's super important to me to create games that are fun and easy to play!

Indeed, you're on the money with the death mechanic! 
I wanted to originally create some with a similar mechanic to dark souls, but I didn't feel this suited the theme best, so instead, I wanted to find a way to rather encourage players to die in order to score points.
I felt this combination suited the theme best. 
So I added blue cubes as the "secret" to dying without dying :)

Honestly, I think you found a bug! 
That's something I'll be taking a much closer look into, it's possible I might have messed up my logic in one line of code, and you found an elite hidden cheat code, that even I didn't know about  >_<b

That's exactly what makes your feedback so highly valuable!
I really appreciate that you took the time to let me know about your experience and the bug! 
It really means a lot to me and I'm going to be sure to use it to improve further! 


I played a lot of Asteroids as a kid in the 70's and 80's and yes you captured the feeling of it very well.

A very fun game. I love the explosion effects, very old school.
Congratulations on making me young again :)


I've absolutely thrilled that I was able to capture that nostalgic feeling for you again! :D
I also remember playing astroids for hours on end, and I've never quite lost my obsession with it.
Honestly knowing my game helped someone relive that, is all I could honestly hope for :D

Thank you so much for your feedback and support, it really means the world to me!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Fast paced retro game straight out of the arcade, I love it :)

Shooting is implemented perfectly, I especially liked the effect of a loaded weapon. But the control of the ship at high speed is not very responsive because of this, it is sometimes quite difficult to control the movement.

After a few attempts, I thought, why should I move at all? And I just stood still and fired at the enemies. Perhaps it makes sense to add some enemies that would shoot at the player in order to motivate him to move, and not stand still.

The sound effects are well chosen, but I missed some background music, it would give the game an extra atmosphere.

In general, I really liked it, my best result is 36800 points :D

Great job!

By the way, great particle systems :)


I absolutely LOVE your feedback! :D
This has been REALLY helpful!
I've already added air breaks to help try and improve control because it's important to me to create a game that players feel is fun and easy to control.
I'll be sure to also go ahead and look into creating AI enemies that actually give the player a reason to move!
That's a brilliant idea that frankly didn't even cross my mind!

I must agree some more music would also help build the atmosphere, so I'm going to make sure I sit down and create a new track for the gameplay level itself too.

Thank you so much again for all your feedback!
It's been more valuable than gold to me and I sincerely appreciate it!


I'm glad my feedback was helpful to you :3


Good take on the theme! Controls felt great, very responsive and just fast enough. Mechanics were a bit unclear, I couldn't figure out entierly how to maximize my score. 


Awesome, I'm so happy to hear you liked it!
One of my primary focuses was to create a game that felt good to play and well balanced! 
I've been getting a lot of feedback that the mechanics are not clearly explained and I sincerely apologize for it.
I promise I'll do better next time to help make sure the mechanics are more clearly explained.
Thank you so much again for your feedback and support!


Cool, background those make me feel dizzy a little bit


My sincerest apologies for the background!
I've been getting a lot of feedback that it's making players feel dizzy or sick.
I promise I'll do better next time and do all I can to prevent it!

Thank you so much for your feedback, it really means the world to me!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I was trying it on stream last night, you can see how I did, altough you would need to find the time frame :D


That's amazing!
Thank you so much!
I'm going to check it out for sure :D


Love it, reminds me of all the lost weekend I spend n the arcades


Thank you so much!
That was exactly what I wanted!
My number 1 goal was to recreate those memories we have of childhood weekends spent in arcades, spending every cent we had playing that 1 game we loved.
Thank you again for your feedback!


That was a fun game, good job! :D Brought me right back to the arcade in the 80s. 


Woop woop! :D
That was what I was hoping for!
I personally really miss those times and really wanted to work hard to try and recapture that nostalgia for everyone playing it!

Thank you again for your feedback, it really means the world to me!


This was cool! I like the aesthetic a lot, simplicity works! Good controls, faithful to Asteroids. Over the weekend? Not bad!

The background was a bit hard to look at for me. I’m not too great with colours, so I’m not sure what’s the best remedy there. Maybe it’s just the lines? Otherwise, I enjoyed moving fast and shooting haha.


Thank you so much!
Yes, the base game was made over the weekend, though I must be honest, I patched in a few details after hours over the week when I had time to spare.
For example, the charge shot and blue cubes were only added later on, and the camera was changed to help make it more playable and easy :)
The original was sadly too hard, and I wanted to avoid frustrating people, and rather focus on creating a more enjoyable experience.

My sincerest apologies for the background.
I've been getting a ton of feedback that it's making people feel sick or dizzy.
I promise I will do better next time and I'm grateful to everyone for pointing out ways to improve it or the issues it's caused!
Thank you so much again for your feedback, it really means the world to me!


Yea, that’s something about lines I think - it can make some people sick. Thankfully I wasn’t, and I must say that extra bit of effort paid off well. Keep it up!


The controls were very intuitive! Real spacey! And i loved the 8 bit sounds :D

If you have the time, please rate my game too :D


Thank you so much for trying out my game! :D
I'm over the moon that you about your feedback!
It's exactly what I wanted and I'm glad you found it intuitive!

I promise I will play your game too and provide both feedback and a rating! :D

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