You're not wrong, if the sentence is meant to be written in present tense. It would be "Felt" if the sentence ought to be in past tense.
Recent community posts
They probably meant the promt to allow the installation of prerequisites through the Itch manager. Usually it's about getting some Redist, DX or Platform specific libraries (Here most likely the UEPrereq). Needs elevated rights too, so it's a good thing if people look twice there - but claiming it's a virus with no foundation is not.
I like the game, as is already! Artstyle is great and i liked the reigns games too^^ If you get everything implemented from your list, it would be way more than that, tho. A reignslike RPG in some sense xD I really look forward to that! ^~^ I also like, that i can use mouse, touch and arrow keys to "swipe" (Win version). I dunno what you intend to have for a shop, but i personally like if one can get stuff in some way that stays for future runs. Even if its cosmetically only xD (Outfits, UI changes or stuff)
I know from the comments, there should be a preorder on steam - just wanted to inform you that this game won't be buyable in some countries including mine (germany). Just in case you didn't know that, so you can take it into consideration :)
You can get a buff that even tells you the exact increase and decrease xD The dots are, imo, very helpful, as they give hints to what could be affected at all. Part of strategy is to read the text and make a guess and remember some cards for later games. Like in a dungeoncrawler - Would be easier to have a healthbar and exact information on every enemy. But wouldn't work well with the genre^^ And it would deminish the need to read the texts, a whole lot. That would be a bummer too.
Hello :)
The direct (free) install didn't work for me for some reason. The loading bar of the unity WebGL didn't fill fully up.
I bought the zip download. That worked :)
I really like the game. Very nice artstyle. I actually did like the not-boobs a lot. Felt more naturally and fitting for the artstyle for me. I really love the behaviour of flutters. Thats an amazing detail ^~^ The gallery is well made too.
Finishing a round as winner (against all) could have some effect, imo.
Even tho I'm not a poker pro I did understand the interface quite well. Thats great ^w^
Thanks for that game, keep it up .3.
Hey iLEWD,
thats great news :D
About the bug:
It appeared right at the beginning of the H-Scene with the feline sword-wielding girl at the small bridge, schould be Misato. It's the first/only H-Scene with her. I think the time was set to day. Got a sword, Ice cream and Head band in inventory. I guess I got myself a new map already. I also asked Himeko for a sword again and she gave me one, game showed the gain message but there was still only one sword in the inventory. Not sure if that could have something to do with the bug, but is the only 'outside the box behavior' I could think of, that I did in the game before that bug.
The bug itself:
After the last line of dialogue, the Protagonist and Girl should change position for the H-Scene to happen. Protagonist does just that - and goes through the whole scene, given his lack of clothes and his movement. But all alone - the girl was gone and with her the whole map. All to be seen is the sky and a dark blue abyss beneath the protagonist. After what is probably the length of the scene the protagonist turned back to clothed and upright standing. I can't move him, can't even trigger the walk/run animation. I can get into the inventory, change the time, open the menu. So all the keyboard reactions are fine, including save and load. Cameramovement is fine too, can look in all directions, right up and right down.
Beside that bug:
Hope that (lengthy) description will help to track the bug down. Do you have some kind of public bug-list, where people could submit bugs and look up what bugs are submitted already? I personally hesitate to submit on, say itch comment section or similar, minor bugs, that probably someone already told you about, maybe even 30 times. Having a list I could go through and only add a new bug if it's not already listed would be neat.
Best regards,
Devy Lost
Heyya :)
This game is pretty neat as far as it is, the models and world have potential.
There are two things I'd love to see, or to know how to archive if already implemented:
1) A continue button. I was very confused that I saved and couldn't continue the game. Took me a while and a couple times of replaying the beginning until I realized, I could save, exit the game, open the game again, start a NEW game and do a quick load from there.
2) a positional reset. Either to a fixed point I lately came across or - to keep things simple - to the starting position of the game. As of right now I'm stuck due to a bug while an H-Scene. Suddenly map and female Character disappeared, leaving me with a sky and the protagonist. As the protagonist looks up all the time, I could only guess, that I got below the map and I can't see it from below because the areas are rendered from one side only.
As the concept is a nice one and I really like the models and the small-but-open-world style the game has, I'll closely watch how the game develops :) Keep up the good work!