This will allow your game to have a limitless amount of freeplay maps and people will go crazy making them. It is a win-win option, if you have the ability to do so.
DG Dobrev
Recent community posts
Allrighty, I just did Vanaar, great map and great visuals. Gameplay flow was great and the game does a great job easing yourself in it. I had, however, some framedrops (down from 60 to 20-25) while placing structures in the mid-late to late game on the following machine:
Republic of Gamers Laptop 751 Series
VRAM 3GB DDR5 Geforce 970M
4x2,5Ghz I7 (turbo to 3.5)
I hope this helps :) Keep it up, folks, game's great, I will be giving you more feed back as I play.
As I said in the other topic, I would suggest that you take the course of Rimworld's creator, Tynan Sylvester. Once the game hit steam, he got the ability to distribute an infiite amount of keys, so he set up a system where all people who bought it could redeem a key. Be aware that steam forums can explode quickly, and I would hate to see negative reviews piling on Aven, because it is a pretty damn good game.
Maybe you can do what Tynan Sylvester did for Rimworld. Once released on steam, Tynan was given a number of keys he could distribite himself to the people who purchased the game way before it hit steam, like me. We could get the keys a few days later, but they were available and Rimworld is still overwhelmingly positive on steam, because nobody could say nothing to him.
I had easily over 300 hours in Rimworld before it hit Steam. I could see dumping plenty in Aven as well, but if you guys manage to get a system to supply steam keys going, that would be amazing, as I would love to hit you up with a positive review. I quite like what this game represents.