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A member registered Aug 01, 2020

Recent community posts

Does anyone know how to get a save from the previous version of the game. I really love this game and wanna continue playing it, but not to the point I'd replay everything just to get to the new content. Any help is appreciated!

So I've been looking at this game for a bit, and not once have I been able to figure out how to make any progress at all. I've read all the educational and fiction books you can buy, given plenty of gifts, but nothing changes and I don't know what else to do to get further into this game. Anybody know? Would really appreciate it!

Still have no idea how to continue the Shuma storyline. I'm at the one where I need to meet with the Elasi diplomat, and I can't figure out where that is? Can anybody help me out?

Just downloaded the lastest version, thanks a ton. Been waiting to finally check this game out to its full extent. Appreciate it!

It's been months without a reply, so I'm asking again. Is there anyway to change the size of the screen for the game, because currently, I can't see the settings button, nor the other sides of the screen?

So, another problem. When it gets to that screen, I can't see my cursor at all. No matter how many times I click, nothing happens, so I'm wondering if there's a way to fix that.

Alright, I'll try it out, thanks!

Don't know if it's just me, but is a controller required to play this game, as that's what it stated when I first opened the game? If so, how do I connect one, say a playstation controller, and if not, how do I get past the first screen where I give consent that I am the right age to play this game?

Can anyone help out in finding out how to continue with Shuma's storyline. The only thing I have is when you check on her at night, but I can't find out how to continue her story after that point. If anyone could let me know, i'd appreciate it.

Sounds great, thanks for the reply!

Loved this game to death, great animations and scenes that are all enjoyable. Question, are there going to be anymore pre-editions/demo's to play for free, or is this the last one? Again, great game!

Played through build 2, and really enjoyed the game and I really wanna see more. Are there any updates planned to come out soon?

little note to the  game developer...making a game unfair isn't making it hard *hint* race track minigame *hint* Honestly, love the game, just hate the minigames, or at least that one with a dying passion. Even with the bought XXX it's still unfair.

(1 edit)

So, I don't know if I'm just blind and stupid, but how do you save on this game? is it just that I can't see it because parts of the screen aren't visible or something? Pretty sure I also tried Esc, and I don't think that did anything. Would really like to know, since I do like this game. Looked at the images on here and saw that the settings button is at the top right of the screen. I can't see that when I play the game, and even when I go into full screen, it still doesn't allow me to see it? Any way to fix this or is there another way to save the game?

It's not the timing. It's just everytime I go to Linda in her room, the only option is the 'can I sleep with you?' option, and nothing new happens there no matter what options I choose.

So I only have the mission for Linda left, it's the one at daybreak on monday, wednseday, and friday. Anyone know how to do this on 0.10 version? I've been stuck on this for months now.

Alright, thanks for clearing that up. Also, really enjoy this game, already played through the 0.7 version, enjoyed it a lot. Can't wait for the next version to come out.

Question: Is the Public build the same as the patron build, just slowly bringing in the content compared to the patron build?

Hi there! First things first, loving the game so far. Lots of great images and a very interesting story. Just wondering about the latest version. In the gallery there is the one gallery image you have with the aunt when she is a loli, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it. Is it not actually obtainable in the game, or am I just not figuring out how to get it? Again, great game, can't wait to see what's in store with the next update!