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A member registered Sep 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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I was in stress ok haha

Yes the Movement is very Slow. Thats because we made the Physics like Moon Physiks. But there is a Rover you can use. Thanks for your Comment!

Thanks. The Movement is slow cause we made the Physics like on the Moon. For example also when you press shift you will jump, cause when you try to "run" you have to jumpe like this, Because otherwise you would fall down. But thanks for you Comment and FeedBack!

Wow! Best Game so Far. Very nice graphics and sound was also great. But the best was the gameplay. It was so funny and not to hard but also not to easy. Respekt!!! When you make more levels I think you could sell this as a mobilegame or someting!

Yes this was the only game I rated all perfect. Your game is reaaaaly nice

Very good game!!! Until now of my tested games it was the best!

I think you have a buck in the start of your game!