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A member registered Jun 11, 2023

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Finally had a chance to play this game since I got a new computer. I've played the game several times over now and it is very fun and does give me the OG slender vibes. I have not come across any performance issues as others have mentioned, possibly because of my new computer, so I don't really have anything constructive to say on that end. Also, I completely recognize that the game is in Alpha and I really can't complain about anything. The game runs well for me and I love the vore survival horror idea and I really hope to see this game progress further. This game has my star of approval and I wish you good luck on it's development!

It happened to me only once, but I think the pred gains awareness of wherever you are, hyper fixates on you and mercilessly hunts you down. They'll even vore you right after eating another student you were hiding behind.

Is it an intentional function that once the player has been spotted that we are unable to drop the key we are currently holding? 

Also, for clarity sake, when we are prompted to struggle inside a pred are we supposed to hold F or press it rapidly?

I will definitely be looking forward to that.

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I'm curious, do you plan on putting Charlotte the Eel in this game at some point?

I am no animator or game creator, but I bet you could make a good vore animation for when the player is caught, even if such a feature were to take some time to implement. I am confident you could make a good one (no pressure intended). Never the less I do look forward to seeing this game's progression and I wish you good luck with it.

This game is pretty fun. I think a cool addition would be that before the game over screen her belly should shrink back down, further implying that the player was digested. Another thing I think would be cool (if possible) would be once caught by the pred it could show her swallowing our character model, like it shows her pick us up and swallow us or show at least our legs sticking out of her mouth before getting pulled down as she swallows.

Is the player currently able to meet up with Officer Kaori after the whole club scenario?

An interesting quick experience game. I would say it would be nice if there were a female pred to vore the player (maybe even some alternate ways to vore the player). Regardless, I can see this growing into a full visual novel game.

I only recently started the game over on 4.8 but so far the scenes that I remember it happening on was the player's dialogue on responding to Rickon's demand of paying him, then when giving Drackey the player's name and when checking the object that Rickon dropped. At first I thought it might have been from me holding down the mouse button to skip the dialogue I've already read but then it skipped again when asking Corsica why she was sitting at the same table in the restaurant and I wasn't holding down the button to skip through beforehand. I mostly just use the mouse but I did test using the spacebar and it still did skip. Testing it again (at least on 4.8) so far it seems to mostly happen to the dialogue box after being given a choice to make. However, I remember when playing on 4.7 during the time when the player helps to look for Corsica's lost ring a dialogue box skipped when we were in the apartment with Corsica's roommate (I forgot her name) and I think it skipped at just a random interval but it could have skipped after being given the choice at the roommate's laptop, I can't remember when.

I should probably first say that I have not yet finished the game, but I'm working on it and I really like it so far. However one possible bug that I have noticed since playing 4.7 and now on playing 4.8 is the game sometimes skips a single dialogue box as if it thinks I double tapped a button. I've tested my mouse on other programs and tried a different mouse and even my keyboard, but the game still sometimes skips dialogue as if it thinks I clicked a button twice insanely quick. This doesn't happen on any other programs that I have so I think it's some kind of input bug on the game's end. I don't know if anyone else has reported this or if it has happened to them. If it is possible perhaps you could test to see if this happens to your gameplay as well. If it doesn't happen then it might be something on my computer's end (my laptop is pretty old) but I just wanted to let you know since this only happens when I play this game. Regardless, I really like the game and have been enjoying the story. Much love.

This game is really fun, and actually scary (got jump scared a few times). A few things I would suggest; I think it would be good to be able to alter the mouse sensitivity (it feels a little bit slow), for the sex scenes it would be nice to have a pov perspective from the player for the camera options, and I think it would also be cool if the game over might have a chance to automatically lead to a sex scene on the smiler's own will (just to spice up the randomness). Also, for a suggestion, if you guys did implement a (optional or not) vore game over scenario (any branch of soft-vore), I would 100% love that as I imagine some other players might as well, but there is no pressure on that, just a suggestion. I love the game as it is and I do hope to see more. Good luck to you guys.

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Don't know if it's your cup of tea, but for an idea could the game over animation have a vore alternative (Fionna breast/nipple vores or oral vores the player and that contributes to Fionna's breast expansion upon game over or the game over message simply reads that the player was absorbed/eaten by Fionna or perhaps just trapped/captured by her breasts)? Either way the game is fun and I hope to see more of it.

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This game is fun and I like the idea of it. Unfortunately the FPS tanks really hard even on the lowest graphics settings, I'm not sure if it's because of my old computer or if it's on the game's end. Either way the game is fun and I look forward to see the rework version when it's ready. If the low FPS is on the game's end I hope it will be cleared up for the rework version. I wish you good luck.

Please make this game downloadable

The game definitely requires more updates.

The kitchen. I've tried night 6 a bunch of times and I'm pretty sure her pattern is the same, which she laughs 3 times total and the third one always signals her to be in the kitchen until 6 am. So far it's been consistent.

When you hear her laugh check the room to the right of the office. If she is not in that room you're safe but if she is there you'll have to close the door until you hear her laugh again.

Could we get a download link? Unfortunately playing in browser is super slow.