For a 1man crew that is very nice work! Awesome! Here is our little contribution! Hope you like it too
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I think if you 3 keep at it for a longer period of time this can be a title id pay money for. Great work.
Our little contribution was this
Spent way to much time playing your game :D
here is ours
Yours is Awesome, here is ours :D
Played your game and it was pretty fun :D here is ours
Cute Audio and Video, synergizing very well - also with the rising stressbar i did get more stressed irl :D was quite the fun adventure! The achivements are a great addition and kept me hooked and motivated to try again! just a bit weird that you have to go over the achivements tab to restart :D awesome contribution!
Really fun and creative entry! The mechanics were engaging, and the visuals and sound fit well. Its hard to understand by just playing but the Explaination below is great although long —over all great work! Especially for 2 people in a day. Solid Project. If you have a moment, I'd love for you to check out my game too!
Awesome and polished game you guys created!
I think the translation book look really awesome and the reading/deciphering mechanics work really well.
Artstyle and Music are also really cozy!
Maybe I did not get far enough, but I did not get why there's a timer and what happens if I do make a mistake... (nothing except a buzzing sound?)
Nice spin on the endless runner genre! The passcodes fit in well I think :D I think the game has only one like major problem in that it happens (not even that rarely) that all 3 lanes are blocked at the same time... But overall nice game, I also liked the other vehicles driving over the other pedestrians :D