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A member registered Dec 12, 2016

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(1 edit)

1. Animations are painfully slow. Decrease the duration to the web standard of 0.4s. It takes the whole 20 seconds to start a new run even if I don't do literally anything. Maybe make the quick restart button for when you didn't get extra SP

2. I can't see if the item is equipped, or if I have it, or if I can purchase it. Make it visible, e.g. as text on item E-equipped 1-has one, 2-has two, + - can buy, EE1+ - two equipped, has 1 extra, can buy fourth (for rings)

3. Why can't I move with mouse on PC? Also I would've like to rightclick to move to a point or something

The starting elevator shows half of green card when opening its panel 
The vault one makes game lag for 10s (low frame rate) when opening its panel

I don't get followed to the Offices corridor, is it the thing I need for the vault or I'm missing something? I've got the 87% thing, what else do I need?

I cannot start a new game, it teleports me to lab 02-A

I still get teleported to Lab 02-A from the corridor and can't exit it as I get teleported back in

I can't open right two PCs on Encasement zone

It says "I could use one battery to open this door", but I don't have any batteries yet

And if I go down it says "you don't have batteries for this" even tho I do

The game teleports me to 87% calculation room and I can't quit it as it teleports me back

Two weeks since second EA or so

I believe you can even win without a single Burnout - I was literally two seconds before winning when Burnout got me on the second playthrough

Kasatik did make a russian translation, last tl update 25/05/23 (

Nevermind it's rightclick

Can I reset cheerleaders?

The Passage in JumpLock is not highlighing for me anymore (the first time I went there it did)

Does it have some extra requirements I'm missing, or is that a bug?

You can use official Itch app which allows downloading Itch games the same way Steam does

Why don't you use Itch CLI to publish itch builds from your GitLab CI/CD?

Gold gain does not work for me

Had same problem, fixed by deleting app folders (appdata/local/itch/2x.xx.xx) and installing again