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A member registered Dec 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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gotcha! yeah no problem, i will be here if anything comes up. i'll look into hypnospace outlaw, it seems fucking sick. anyway, minor spoilers from here on out; i won't mention anything beyond the prologue and chapter 1.

this aspect of format is never explicitly explained, but i think it gets easier to pick up on after more play time, when instances of it are surrounded with context. the prologue (first part) is a dream-slash-flashback combo, one of several. this one involves your father, scott, and his weird comrade who you won't hear much more about for a while. don't worry about this not making sense yet; it won't really be resolved until much later. if you get to the end of the game and feel like you haven't gotten all the information you wanted about this, which can happen, feel free to try another timeline. 100%, even, if you feel so inclined. information given per timeline varies wildly.

you are in a lighthouse which contains a prison. initially, you are not in the prison part of the lighthouse -- if this changes, you will know.

you are not coding, but you may watch someone code. you are, however, somewhat confused and very sad, yeah.

you do have a dad. oh boy does he hate murder.

you play as harry arsigne, a fourteen-year-old boy who is incredibly bored of living in isolation. you do not have any friends, just surveillance software.

good luck!!! 👍

HI I WOULD BE HONORED?? that is SO nice, i'm so glad you like my music!!! if you want me to talk your ear off about it at all i would be so down, if that'd help with your project or whateva. and thank you sosososososo much, it means so insanely much that the websites were good, god i love fake web design

yyyyeah, i think it's definitely pretty dense text. i didn't want it to be unenjoyable or particularly difficult to read of course, but i am aware it gets hard to keep track of what's going on pretty quick, esp if you're skimming, or honestly just if you're not me, who's been thinking about all this for a whiiile. def need to work on that. if you've got any particular questions about anything plot related i can also try to explain what i was going for -- this is pretty much my first ever creative writing project, and information control over multiple timelines is not the easiest thing to pick up on for your first go, i think. bleh.

anyway, anyway. thank you so much for the nice comment, this has really made my day :) good luck on your school project and your life goal!!! hmu if i can do anything to help w/ either

no freaking wayyy...