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A member registered Dec 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Its very easy to updating all version for ALL OS 

Im fast upload Windows, Linux and Android update with one click  without any editing.

Actual version 196 there is my games, one of it delivered to steam in this year =) 

any can download free, 

Reskue - Saving scientists from captured cosmic station... or you can going mad and destroy all scientists.

Colony (preview) - Collect and sending useful mushrooms for Earth. 

M2K - Puzzle, logical 

My ingame editor allowed in all games (`) key .

Linux supported. Supports PS3 and xbox joysticks or keyboards.    Mouse not supported.

Reskue can be played by 2-3 players with one PC. 

Hello, im create Reskue, Colony Remake , M2k Engine and im forgot to write something about me

yes it's my real photo left on page and in game

im recreate from zero my beloved games from zx-spectrum platform. based in idea constructing whole world using Lua language, Love framework. and many time.   how it must me created on modern PC i thinks. I love creating - and i hope someone love plays =)

parts of it like m2k im create in 1997 on ZX.

1984, USSR 

Love polski metal music, RPG games, old books like Arthur Clark, Isaac Azimov, Ray Bradbury, Garry Garrison. there is my games, one of it delivered to steam in this year =)  and all preview version free on google play. 

(1 edit)

Пожалуйста будьте внимательны с выбором версии игры, выбирайте для своей ОС. И по возможности autoupdated т.к. папка часто обновляется .

Донаты необязательны, однако я был бы рад им.

Пожалуйста будьте внимательны с выбором, выбирайте для своей ОС. И по возможности autoupdated т.к. папка часто обновляется .


Plus one.  don't have methods run this through Wine

Hello , you live? I hope you All right? for using your app now need full support arm64. many users interests try it

You can modify program to use both color mode options  lovever=10 is old love,  =11 is new love.


major, minor, revision, codename = love.getVersion();
 lovever_full = string.format("Version %d.%d.%d - %s", major, minor, revision, codename)

function randomcolorbw ()

  colorshift=math.random(255);   if (lovever>10) then colorshift=math.random(0,1);  end; -- Love 11 version
 lg.setColor(colorshift,colorshift ,colorshift, 255);

Hello  , can you support version 11.0?   my game requires normal screenshot support , its added only in 11.0 LOVE2D