I need free games to play so if anyone got free games pls tell
I've got a few freeware games of mine you can try out: Touhou 1: The Highly Responsive to Prayers NES Demake and Touhou 2: The Story of Eastern Wonderland NES Demake.
Of Shifting Images is a Horror demo that starts in a hallway with notes and has to do with childrens' drawings coming to life.
I Know You, But How Visual Novel is a demo that is an adaptation of an e-book I wrote awhile ago of the same name. There's currently 7 chapters and the next 4 are being worked on.
Dissolving Floor is a game where you collect orange blocks. Areas of the floor, though, will disappear when interacted with.
Collectring Maze is a maze game where you collect rings. The aim of the game is to collect all of the rings before the time runs out.
Most games on itch.io are free. If you want to find new ones, go to "Browse", then click on "Most Recent", it's a great way to find unseen games. But if you would like to play games that I made, then check out EXTREMELY 3D GAME and if if you want to play a challenging one, I suggest you escape with bombs.
You can try out this game. It is made by me. It is a 2D bullet hell shooter with a spider being the main protaganist. It has great animations and is well polished. I hope you like it :)
And if you like a 3d shooter game, then here you go - https://shubh0809.itch.io/capsules-not-the-medecine-one
You could try my game Solar Blaster: Challenge Stage
Solar Blaster: Challenge Stage
It's a 2 minute high score space shooter that will give you some quick fix all action shooter fun! It's free to download for Windows, Mac, Linux and Raspberry Pi or you can play it in your browser.
Hi if you are looking for free mobile game i have one: https://marionettecz.itch.io/space-escape-obstacles
Hi thank you for playing. Yes i know the game is little bit harder it should be i wanted to create chalanging game which keep you whole time in action. Others level are much more harder.
Iam currently working on ingame shop which allows you to buy energy bcs i know sometimes ads could be aggresive. Still working on it.
Again thank you very much for playing and hope you will come back again
You didn't specify what type of game, but mine is free anyway and with no ads either. It's a top down shooter/adventure: https://hasen6.itch.io/infiltration
Hi, you did not specified a type but if you like chill farming game have a look at https://terravale.itch.io/terravale. Me and my GF we started working on it couple months ago and its still in very early stages. Any feedback is really appreciated. Btw you need to sign in with google. Any questions about development or where the game is aiming let us know here, or discord or any other social media :D
Please try my game : https://realhannugupta.itch.io/less-size-more-size
CAVERN CRUISER: Free for the next week at least: https://argondevilguiderods.itch.io/cavern-cruiser
Its a work in progress, but quite fun to play.
aye bru this thies game out this stuff bussin
atlanta nibbas dont wipe they push it back in ratio https://insanoreckless.itch.io/goldbears-great-adventure
If you're good at rhythm games, try our Friday Night Funkin' mod out!
I got a game OP. It's called Blik's Radical Adventure. It's an arcade, high score chasing, top down shooter with 5 different weapons and 14 enemy types. Spent like two months making it and it's my first completed game, so it would be nice if someone played it! The graphics aren't great, but I promise the gameplay is good!
If you want a new spin of the classic game of tic tac toe, I have a free mobile app you should check out. Tile X's & O's is on the google app store:
https://dj-alex.itch.io there is my games, one of it delivered to steam in this year =)
any can download free,
Reskue - Saving scientists from captured cosmic station... or you can going mad and destroy all scientists.
Colony (preview) - Collect and sending useful mushrooms for Earth.
M2K - Puzzle, logical
My ingame editor allowed in all games (`) key .
Linux supported. Supports PS3 and xbox joysticks or keyboards. Mouse not supported.
Reskue can be played by 2-3 players with one PC.
Hello! I released my game "A Dragon's Tale" one month ago on itch.io, you can play it :) You can find more details on the gamepage: https://fabian-kopetzky.itch.io/a-dragons-tale
Thank you! :)
And if you are into simulation games try sailing with https://papaysailor.itch.io/archipelago-sailor-simulator
Hey guys! We have just submited our entry to the Idie Tales Jam, a 48h Game Jam with the theme "One Room" ("One Room")! Our Game is basically a Tower Defense game mixed with Minigames.
We don't have much experience with art and sound, but we are satisfied with the result!
It would be great to hear some feedback and suggestions. Any kind of comment helps a lot in our development!
I have a "Wheel of Fortune" clone that you can make your own entries for: https://zacryol.itch.io/spindle-of-serendipity