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DJ faceplant

A member registered Oct 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the info there, I'll give it another play on Monday when I get back into the office!

(1 edit)

This was a standout game amongst the rest for me.  Super simple concept and nicely polished.  Keeping it simple is always a good point in my book.  If I had one critisism it would be in the controls.  Consider placing the jump action to the mouse button as well to give people the choice of how to navigate.  

Would also consider leading up to the harder section a little later in the level to allow people to really get into the controls before putting real obstacles in front of the player.  Other than that, really very nice and lovely looking visuals.

This reminded me of a cross between Super Monkey Ball ande Marble Madness.  Good job!

Some classic Typing of the Dead action updated here.  Nice to see this idea with fresh graphics.

I really like the idea behind this.  It just needs polish and attention.  The difficulty spike in level 2 and beyond is too sharp.  You need to ease people in to this.  Would consider making the ability to catch the bullet easier too as the hitbox feels a little small.

Other than that this feels like one of those little brain killers which do well.  Nice.

Really enjoyed this.  Just need to smooth out the interaction of the mouse/plant and make some more levels and you've got a fun little game right there.

For release though I'd spend some time ont he visuals and get those polished up nicely when you can put some time into those.