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A member registered Jun 15, 2022

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(1 edit)

you're doing a great job

10 out of 10 and would love to see that. The fox art changing as you get more fluffy would be amazing and make since for its ability. I look forward to the kitsune stuff too but find this game really nice. I can wait to see all the fun things to come as the game progresses. Maybe you could even throw in some cursed artifacts for fun idk.

It's ok and there is a good chance those people that reviewed just don't like this style of a game (but idk I didn't read their reviews). I don't see the buff skills as a time waste but whatever it's not a big deal (at least to me). On a less related note I remember seeing a comment one the art style and I agree with your response with everyone having different tastes (my taste being full anthro or Kemonomimi, so the fox and kitsune forms are in a interesting mix of the 2 that I don't like, but that is my taste and not everything is going to be something I like). foxes and kitsune happen to be my favorites.

I personally disagree with these people say the story isn't good or the combat either. Like others have said here spelling and grammar can be fixed (let's be honest English is a tuff language). I personally like the combat of the game with my only issue being that the buffs and debuffs can be a bit much (mostly the number of them, with larger groups of enemies, but tbh that is more of just an inconvenience than an issue which can be solved by just taking longer turns to think on what to do and read all the stuff). Although I haven't made it very far in the game yet I rather enjoy it. To be honest I am rather impressed with the amount of stuff already in a game made by one person. I can see the amount of stuff to keep track of can be overwhelming for others which is what I think they don't like. The story that I have seen so far is good, I don't really understand these people. Btw where did you get these comments I didn't see any on here.

Very cute look forward to more.

also if you get a discord I would love to join it, my discord is Djmc216#0286.

this was really fun I love the path I picked as it was very cute.

Hoi I enjoy your game and am wondering why am I blocked on furaffinity? Did I say or do something that upset you because I don't remember and I hope to apologize for whatever it may be.

Hoi it seems it has been I little while since you posted an update and even longer since someone commented so here I am and I just wanted to say. I really enjoy this game and I hope to see more updates on the future if you happen to have a discord or plan to make on I would love to join it my discord is Djmc216#0286. Thx for your time and I hope you have a nice day.

Hey it has been a while I hope you are doing good I'm looking forward to the update. Also I still hope to join a your discord when or if you make one but don't feel like you have to I just think it's cool to have a community help give ideas and support you. Heck if you want maybe we can be discord friends or not you don't have to. My discord is Djmc216#0286. Thx for your time and I hope you have a nice day.

This game is very different from most game I have played although I didn't make it very far. In the end when it comes to something like this what makes it really uncomfortable is the fact that your character is forced into becoming a drone which plays more towards my own fear factors of losing my sense of self. I think this game is well done even though I barely scratched the surface of it and ultimately idk if I have a drone kink or not but what I do know is I have a fear of having no control of the situation in any way (which is prob what the kink is about). If I had the choice to become a drone in real life I would consider trying it only if I would still be me in the end and if I can back out any time other then that they can have control. Imp prob reading to much into this, I just find this an interesting thought and maybe something I could put as a kink if done in a different way. Well thx for spending your time reading my little rant and I hope you have a nice day.

nice I rather enjoy it btw if you have a discord i would like to join it.

I like this idea and hope it gets added

that is nice to hear take all the time you need to make the game, and most importantly have a nice day.

if you feel like it maybe we can hang out and chat some time, maybe even play some video games or something or not if you don't want to.

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I enjoy this game its fun I'm cheering for you keep up the great work and take the time you need to get it done the way you are happy with. All i want is for you to not give up and just do your best. So go out there and be the person you want to be.

Edit: also I think it would be cool to see art of your character transforming into different species and your party members being changed. I think this would add to the experience.

Zone of Fantasy community · Created a new topic Progress?

I want to know how you are doing it's been a little while hope everything is going well.