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A member registered Mar 13, 2021

Recent community posts

When do we get to romance the Yeti?

I have to get enough likes for him and then be at his place at a certain time (if I remember correctly), and you should be able to sleep with him 

Awesome! Cannot wait for the next update :3

I am LOVING this VN--since I keep staying up till 3 to read the next part! The story is intriguing; the characters are fun. So far, Marruk is my fave (such a sweetheart), and Marrowyne is just as as adorable. I hope to see more of Marrow's assistant, and yes I would like to some of his meat ;) Cannot wait for the next build! Keep up the good work!  

Same, I did all the requirements. But there is no option for Barrel at the tavern. 

I'm sorry to hear that, I was just curious

When is this game getting updated? I bought it, but it still only have the first two stories

Please tell me this isn't true, but honestly, I'm not surprised because people. I'll be honest: the wait is killing me. I want to play this update, but they'll release it when they release it. 

PLEASE! The wait is killing me . . . I am just itching to play the first part. In seriousness, release the new version when you guys are ready too. 

As much as I enjoy each new update and new event. I would like to finish some of the other events that have been on the back burner. 

I have. I'll go to a previous save and try that.

Alright, I give up. I'm locked in the same dialog. Scar isn't waking up, explore is not opening up a new area, and nothing happens when I talk with Tank. What do I do?

I, too, am unsure how to progress. Keep waiting for Scar to wake up

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Help! I'm in the Brask's forest area, where you need to activate the gems. So far, I have green and blue, can't seem to find the red gem, and I've completely scoured the map, am I missing something? 

Same! Then I saw the release date is 2024 . . . . still, already on my wishlist! 

I  too am anxiously waiting for the update, but I do agree. Hyao will release the update when it's ready. With how much work they put into every update,  the creators put into each update, they deserve a much-needed break.   

Love the new part! But . . . I wasn't a fan of Amicus's facial expressions when Mangus appears at the hot baths 

I vote for Caleb to get his own coffee shop--with all the naughtiness that comes with the wolf. Anyone up for swollen knot-sized coffee with a little homemade CREAM inside? PLEEEEEEESE, Hyao?!

Looks like you need to reach 15 likes with the R to trigger it

Is there an estimation as to when the game will get a full release on Steam? Played the demo and loved it, looking forward to the full version. 

Anyone else hoping there'll be a area wih centaurs and uoh can romance one? 

Hey so recently, I got a new PC. I've been playing this on my laptop, and I was wondering if there's a way to transfer my saves over from my laptop to my PC, so I don't have to start from the beginning again . . . .  

Same! I interact with both Rhot and the leader, and still one or the other wins 

Does anyone know how to get Xer to win the hunting contest?

Does anyone remember how to get X (Rhot's friend, the black alcalmic lizard) I know it's to do with the underground, but I don't know-how. or is progress-based?

Anyone getting flashbacks at how much of a pain in the ass how difficult the lizardmen leader is to defeat?   

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How does Bottom Logan affect the game and you're relationship with him? At first, I discouraged him from entering the came. This time I encouraged him. Also, what happened to troll bridge option? Last time you could pay for sex instead of coin

No, I'm still using .28 version

Anyone else having trouble loading their save files? Haven't played in a while, now it won't load any of them. Just keeps saying, "I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred."

Thank god! I've been waiting almost two months for the next update to be published publicly

Does anyone know how to get Feliar character? I'm trying to complete the Northcastle Conspiracy mission, but it says I have to talk with Felair, and I don't know who he is or how to get to him. I checked the Guide, but still don't know how to unlock this character