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A member registered May 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

30 seconds in and wonky collision has thrown you off 3 times, didn't realise it was this bad at times, surprised you never Alt+F4'd straight out! Gotta find some fix for the seams ASAP, I was getting frustrated just watching.

Trust me when I say, your skills are no worse than mine my man, and thanks a bunch for giving the game a bash!

Edit: Just made it to the end of the video, appreciate the kind words! Probably didn't seem like much, but watching you play was actually really informative, thanks for persevering through the rough patches.

Appreciate the feedback greatly! Thanks for taking the time to write it up. 

Definitely feel where you're coming from on all points; Totally agree, the UI is nothing short of disastrous as it stands, gonna have to take the plunge and conjure up a coherent design sometime in the near future, or at least make the placeholder stuff a little more robust. 

Never really thought about the wild variance that way until now, do you reckon limiting hole lengths and tile types at differing difficulty levels would be a decent route to go in order to alleviate the randomisation's affect on the player's experience?

Kill triggering on falling off the hole has been fixed as of now also, total oversight on my end, too used to spamming F in frustration when i fall off!

(1 edit)

Firstly, thanks for playing and many thanks for the valuable feedback! Definitely agree with regards to the lighting on some of the scenes at the moment, been non stop tinkering with it and still can't find a happy medium. All a process of trial and error :p 

Yeah, the collision is still proving a little problematic at times when the ball hits higher speeds, causing the ball to fire off unpredictably. Mostly reproducible and stuff but I'm struggling to find a working fix for the tile seams at the moment. Auto ball reset on fall is already fixed, simply a matter of tagging the environmental objects correctly. Just a total oversight on my part, my bad! Oh, that hole variant has a ramp on the back to get up to the hole by the way, just the ramp blends in completely with the floor color and it's hard to spot unless you're near it with the light on, or the camera's in motion and catches it at the right angle. Byproduct of the poor lighting you mentioned, apologies!

Haven't the slightest clue what could be causing the input lag though, maybe that my input is handled in Update() come to think of it, were you having frame drops or anything?

Definitely looking to source out some decent sounds and the like soon, despite my proficiency on the audio side of things being a little... inexperienced shall we say :D

Again, thanks for the feedback my man, much appreciated, glad you enjoyed the visuals!